Flowering question


Well-Known Member
when flowering how far away should i have light away from plants top? Ever since i started growing my plants are friggin huge! the one plant has gone from 19 inches to 29! I have light about 8 inches away right now! should i change anything? My concern is that im growing in a small closet and i dont have much room:leaf:


Well-Known Member
distance is dependant on what kinda light uv got, is it hid or cfl? the normal rule is that you put your hand at the top of your plant and if it too warm for your hand then its too warm for the plant. with hid thats usually between 12 to 18 inches away with cfl it can be as little as 3 or 4 inches. i always have a fan blowing between the light and the canopy top this keeps the dirct heat down a little. also your plant growth usually slows down around weeks 3 or 4 of flowering, if uv limited height then i would suggest topping them next time you grow.


Well-Known Member
topping them? do you mean start flowering at a sooner time like instead of 19 inches try 15 or 16?


Active Member
Topping is a technique in which you actually trim a portion of the plant off.

Uncle Ben's Topping Technique

Very clear and concise guide, it's what I used when I first topped. You could also do like you said and put them into flower when they're at a shorter height.