Flowering question.


Active Member
So i start school on September 8th from 7am-3pm. Now my flowering cycle is from 1am-1pm. There's the problem. Is there a way i can move the cycle from 1am to 7am and 1pm to 7pm without ruining the 12/12 cycle i already have going on.


Well-Known Member
I have moved the time cycle of my plants by 2 hours before with little or no noticeable effects (it was my first grow at the time, but it certainly didn't bother them). i did it in both my grow room and veg room. I simply moved it by 15 minutes each day (which was 1 notch on my timer plug), so i simply flicked one up, and one down. That way the light cycle of the plant is not disrupted as it is till getting 11 hrs 45 minutes each day which is close enough, and also in the natural environment dusk and dawn times would change slightly each day anyway


you can change it, just when the lights go have them come back on when you want, but be sure not to cut the dark time short, if you have to leave them off more than 12 to get to the desired on time.


Sector 5 Moderator
I totally disagree wtih rich.post. Plants respond to *light*, not darkness. You can give them the extra dark hours and they will not suffer at all. If you mess with the *light* cycle, you may get hermies.


Well-Known Member
I totally disagree wtih rich.post. Plants respond to *light*, not darkness. You can give them the extra dark hours and they will not suffer at all. If you mess with the *light* cycle, you may get hermies.
what is the op asking here? im confused. does he want a 12 hour ligh cycle or not? if you want to change the cycle just leave the plants in darkness till the time you want the 12/12 cycle to begin. so right now you are doing from 1am-1pm. turn the lights off at 1pm and then back on the next day when you want your plants to start their new cycle(from 7 to 7 or whatever). its not different then a dark stormy day when a plant gets little to no light.


Sector 5 Moderator
You were right rich; I had to read it again to catch it. Put down that pipe! ~just kidding. :)