Flowering/Ripening times, lengths?


Active Member
ok, so most MJ flowers for 8-12 weeks from the time the first pistils show up right?
I think I have one that will go longer, but that happens...
Anyway..what I'm wondering is the 2 differnt phases of flowering,
the time when the plants are sending out new flowers constantly, growing all the colas...
Then... the ripening starts, where the pistils may change color first, but regardless,
eventually they wither and recede into the calyx and
the trichs go from clear to milky to amber, correct so far? so while the plant may always have some
new flowers on it, what is the lengths of these 2 phases relatively speaking?
does the plant "flower" for say 2/3 of the time? say 6 weeks in a 9 week plant?
and then it takes 3 weeks to go(ripen) from pure white fresh pistils everywhere
to some state of receded pistils,swollen calyx and amber trichs? does that sound about right?
I mean I know that theres always going to be a mix of everythign once the plant has been flowering,
but in general, how fast is the ripening/finishing?


Well-Known Member
in my experience its like 40 days of growing and then 40 days of ripening. however even during the second phase of flower, you still get new growth and new pistils and such....


Active Member
in my experience its like 40 days of growing and then 40 days of ripening. however even during the second phase of flower, you still get new growth and new pistils and such....
so about half and half sounds right? yeah, given that tnew growth will always be happening somewhere on the plant I meant the main cola/s not the little side buds, just wondering because I have a bagseed that is 56 days(8 weeks) from first pistils and just the last couple of days I can see some pistil color change finally so 8 full weeks till it started "ripening"


Well-Known Member
what i meant was even the main cola, all the buds will be getting new pistils thoughout the ripening stage also but very little. i had a blue widow crop (bank says 55 days) that didnt start to ripen till about 40ish days and didnt finish till day 92 and even then they were gaining a few new pistils. but yea let her go man! lets see a pic.


Active Member
what i meant was even the main cola, all the buds will be getting new pistils thoughout the ripening stage also but very little. i had a blue widow crop (bank says 55 days) that didnt start to ripen till about 40ish days and didnt finish till day 92 and even then they were gaining a few new pistils. but yea let her go man! lets see a pic.
here you go, latest pic, this morning
View attachment 1200075 older pics in the link in my sig, the plant was put into 12/12 at about 6 inches tall I think, is now about 40 inches or so
and I noticed the first white hair 8/14


Well-Known Member
lookin really good man. certainly not done, i would guess you have a 92 day like i did.


Active Member
lookin really good man. certainly not done, i would guess you have a 92 day like i did.
thanks, I figure its a 12 weeker anyway, at least 4 weeks to go ... I was bored and took a side bud that had a bunch of reddish hairs on it and dried it, definitly had something in there, not a lot, but it is pretty early


Active Member
heres my bw at 8 weeks and they went 13 weeks.
jeez, you still had 5 weeks to go at that point? crap... mine could go 16 weeks, doesnt look anywhere as near as doen as yours was
admittedly mine is a bagseed but still... I'll check yours out, what is it?


Active Member
looks good razza, a lot of plants going there! Im on day 66 of (wait for it...) "EASY RYDER DEATH WATCH!!!!111!!!"
sigh, still no sign of ambers, maybe I saw a couple but couldnt say definitely


Active Member
hmmm... hae seen mention of people trying 18 hour days(12 dark/6 light) wonder what would happen if I started alternating 6 hour day/nights? or 6 light 8 dark and sweep them with a infra-red light it kick start the flowering hromone switchover at "dark"? since they are autoflower they shouldnt reveg, wonder if it would think time had suddenly sped up?


Active Member
any more thoughts on the ratio of full flowering to "ripening" how long does it take to see some signs that the plant is starting to finish off?


Well-Known Member
i had put autos on 8/16 before. shit i have done 16/8 as well and 24/0 and 12/12. 20/4 is suggested usually by the breeder but you wont see a difference so just save on electric imo:)


Active Member
lets see a pic hamm
of what? well, heres a pic of my iced grapefruit at 4-6 weeks flowering(I tell myself its really close to 6 but so I dont get too excited then I tll myself it could be more like 4 :) )
to me there is no sign of "ripening" yet so its maybe halfway thru?


Well-Known Member
that easy ryder looks just like the one i grew last year. i didnt like mine at all.

grapefruit looks great!


Active Member
thanks, really looking forward to the Iced grapefruit, sounds perfect for my wifes med needs, and Im sure I wont mind it at all :)
well, the easy ryder has been problematical from the start, but I figure, first grow and all that. the smoke I got off the main cola of the one last week is decent but thats about the best I could say, however Im sure a lot of it is my fault, but hey, its pot, Im not going to throw it away :) I decided that either saturday or sunday they will get the chop,running low and we are moving in the next month so I really would like to get rid of the cabinet thyre in and pack away the light and ballast, thatll be day 80-81! I have one more ER seed that I wouldnt mind popping in a couple of months and seeing what difference a little experience makes...
I also discovered why my plants rarely look like anyone elses... since I have CMH builbs Ive always taken pics just under those lights, I noticed a few weeks ago how different plants looked with the flash being used so decided to take some and oh my... what a differnce, I literally would not recognize those pictures as being the same plant as I was looking directly at.... seriously... they look a lot more..?? normal? the bagseed especially looked like maybe a week or so, looked much fuller and riper with the flash, and the Iced Grapefruit looked way fuller and further along, I can see maybe 3 weeks if its a quick finisher... that would take it to about 10 weeks flowering?

edit: and of course those pics are on another pc...I'll take some this afternoon and post side by sides


Well-Known Member
i wanna say my er took 85 days from seed. also quite problematic from the start. im loking for pics now ...