Flowers growing OUT of Buds??

Hey guys! Preciate the any looks to help solve my problem. I Tried to take a picture for easier reference for others to see, but my camera wont just wont focus at super close distances.

ok, so we are in the final days of flowering for our plants. Orange to White Pistil ratio is probably at about 75/25 so its pretty ripe so to say.

:The Problem(?):

At the top of my plants,located on the buds, it appears that little "Leaves" are growing out of them. They are small, Yellow or Green items protruding out on the topsides of the buds. At first there were only a few on one bud, but now they are on a multiple buds, even on different stems (only on One plant though.) Soon Enough, I Will Get A Picture Up Here For You Guys To See so you dont have to imagine it. I have never seen this on one of my plants before.

So any help would be greatly appreciated, so thanks in advance!:clap:


Active Member
If they're yellow or green and look like a bunch of bananas together, then they're male parts, and the plant's a hermie.