Flowers in the vegetative state?


I was in my room today doing some cleanup and neem treatments when i noticed the oddest thing. My plants that have been on a 24 hour vegetative state have flowers starting. Its been going on for a while because at further inspection i notice a few had turned red. I am relatively new to this but, this is just weird to me. Can anybody help me figure this out?

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
I was in my room today doing some cleanup and neem treatments when i noticed the oddest thing. My plants that have been on a 24 hour vegetative state have flowers starting. Its been going on for a while because at further inspection i notice a few had turned red. I am relatively new to this but, this is just weird to me. Can anybody help me figure this out?
Shoot some pics


without pictures or knowing more about your grow setup, then no. What kind of lights are you using, is there any other light source in the room?


Using a 400w MH on 24 hours. No other light source in the room at all. Its a 5xx5x8 closet. I will try and post some pics later today.