Flushing the System- Aeroponics


Active Member
So I have been flushing the system for 24 hours now for the second time and I was wondering if I should let it go longer, like say a 2 or 3 days? Would plants suffer from nutrient deficiantsy *spelling?- or be cool with just straight water, thanks for all your help. Pictures after 24 hours straight. (tonight)



Uses the Rollitup profile
Yeah, 1 day is enough for a midterm flushing, especially in aero. Since there's no medium for nutes to build up in, there's not much need to flush, but it can't hurt.

If you're running a high ppm nutrient, flushing for the last 2-3 days prior to harvest is all you should need to do.

HTH :mrgreen:


Active Member
why risk it man, flush an entire week before harvest, making sure you replace the water with fresh one every two days, this will boost the quality and taste of the fresh bud..