flushing to correct ph in week 5 flower.


Well-Known Member
Hi, I grow hydro,but threw some dirt grown moms in the flower room to retire them. I watered with ph 6 adjusted water.I noticed some older leaves getting curled,spotted,and turgid to the touch. So I checked my run off water and found it to be really acidic 4.5! I'm in week five of a 8-9 week strain. Could I flush to correct the ph this late and would it affect flowering,they have great buds now and there just starting to really swell. Will flushing stop bud growth?


Active Member
I had to do the same thing a while ago, it didn't affect anything I don't think. After the flush just let it dry out for a few days and then continue on with your feeding schedule. How big of a container are you in?


Active Member
Why on earth would you be watering with water that has a PH of 6? You are creating your own issues!


Well-Known Member
Hi, I grow hydro,but threw some dirt grown moms in the flower room to retire them. I watered with ph 6 adjusted water.I noticed some older leaves getting curled,spotted,and turgid to the touch. So I checked my run off water and found it to be really acidic 4.5! I'm in week five of a 8-9 week strain. Could I flush to correct the ph this late and would it affect flowering,they have great buds now and there just starting to really swell. Will flushing stop bud growth?
Why 6?
Are you trying to split the difference between hydro and soil?
Water with 6.5-6.7 and top dress with some dolomite or garden lime.
And yes, flush with the 6.5-6.7


Well-Known Member
I had to do the same thing a while ago, it didn't affect anything I don't think. After the flush just let it dry out for a few days and then continue on with your feeding schedule. How big of a container are you in?
Thank you for your reply, they are in 5gal buckets.


Well-Known Member
Why on earth would you be watering with water that has a PH of 6? You are creating your own issues!
Your a big help.Like most dickheads on here, you give no useful answers or advise. You just make a smartass comment and have an avatar that reflects your maturity level & your attitude problem. Time to grow up friend.I am sorry all the girls made fun of your little pee-pee,and now you feel you have to take it out on the whole world.
Why I should answer your question is beyond me, but I watered with ph6 water was, as I mentioned in my post. I dont grow in soil regularly so I dont know much about it. I assumed ph would drift up in soil,as mine has a base of peat,which tends to be alkaline. Also thought from 6-7 would be ok for soil.Didnt expect it to drop into the 4-5 range. One more reason I love my hydro.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Your a big help.Like most dickheads on here, you give no useful answers or advise. You just make a smartass comment and have an avatar that reflects your maturity level & your attitude problem. Time to grow up friend.I am sorry all the girls made fun of your little pee-pee,and now you feel you have to take it out on the whole world.
Why I should answer your question is beyond me, but I watered with ph6 water was, as I mentioned in my post. I dont grow in soil regularly so I dont know much about it. I assumed ph would drift up in soil,as mine has a base of peat,which tends to be alkaline. Also thought from 6-7 would be ok for soil.Didnt expect it to drop into the 4-5 range. One more reason I love my hydro.
He's right, you are creating your own issues. Did you notice a problem with the plant, or are just going to flush because your run-off ph is weird?


Well-Known Member
Why 6?
Are you trying to split the difference between hydro and soil?
Water with 6.5-6.7 and top dress with some dolomite or garden lime.
And yes, flush with the 6.5-6.7
Thank you. Your kind of correct just splitting the difference I guess. I will try what you suggested,but wouldnt It be better to flush with a higher ph water to try and raise the ph of the medium, I did start to flush my 5gal buckets. After 10 gals of ph8 tap water the run off went from 4.5 to 6. should I continue with the 8water till I hit 6.7-7 and then on the next watering use 6.5-6.7.


Active Member
Your a big help.Like most dickheads on here, you give no useful answers or advise. You just make a smartass comment and have an avatar that reflects your maturity level & your attitude problem. Time to grow up friend.I am sorry all the girls made fun of your little pee-pee,and now you feel you have to take it out on the whole world.
Why I should answer your question is beyond me, but I watered with ph6 water was, as I mentioned in my post. I dont grow in soil regularly so I dont know much about it. I assumed ph would drift up in soil,as mine has a base of peat,which tends to be alkaline. Also thought from 6-7 would be ok for soil.Didnt expect it to drop into the 4-5 range. One more reason I love my hydro.
How about do a bit of research and not look like a total idiot? Did I go on ranting and name calling? I think not. The PH for growing in soil should have been the 1st thing you read/learned. All you had to do was a bit of reading, but instead you wish to be spoon fed like an infant.


Well-Known Member
How about do a bit of research and not look like a total idiot? Did I go on ranting and name calling? I think not. The PH for growing in soil should have been the 1st thing you read/learned. All you had to do was a bit of reading, but instead you wish to be spoon fed like an infant.
I'm not looking to get spoon fed. Its guys like you that for some reason dont get the idea of a site like this. Let me spoon feed you now, This is a question and answer grow site. Thats why you may notice alot of ppl asking questions and giving answers here. You still with me? Do you get the gist of this forum now or are you still confused?
Its know it all douchbags like you that chastise ppl for asking questions on a Q&A site. Doesent make much sense to me. The reason guys like you get under my skin is this....You made no attempt to answer the question posed, you instead decided to make a smart ass comment. If you have no useful input,why bother saying anything.Just pass over the question and say nothing.But again the douche in you kicks in and you have to say something to make yourself feel superior. Yes I'm on a rant again,just sick of you& ppl like you on this site.


We understand what you are asking but the best way for you to learn anything is research. The pro's in this forum did not get that way because somebody held their hand through their beginning years. You will not learn anything if you simply expect answers from people. All this does is force you to return again and again without ever having learned anything. You would be foolish to take any response in this forum as gospel, in the end, you will have to research what you read here anyhow. You would learn a lot if you took the vague answers from this forum and combined it with your own research while learning from your own mistakes. Taking pictures, keeping a journal and constantly studying is the only way to get good at this hobby. Take Slanty for example.....

."Why on earth would you be watering with water that has a PH of 6? You are creating your own issues! ".....

this statement is full of information. Obviously he is telling you that watering with a ph of 6 is bad and that it is probably the cause of your continuing problem, so you should research WHY this would be a problem and decide for yourself what the most likely issue is. Esteves also gave you a great starting point but instead you chose to whine instead of reading into the question, obviously he was leading into a more detailed answer but needed more information. I have to assume you are part of the x-generation or even younger since you expect everything for nothing, and seem to think that life is fair. You would become extremely knowledgeable about growing if you quit standing on the shoulders of those who have already done the hard work and stand beside them so that we all benefit. Yes, this is a Q&A forum, but that does not mean you get to cry like a little girl when you do not get the answer you are looking for. You are missing the big picture mountainboy.


Well-Known Member
We understand what you are asking but the best way for you to learn anything is research. The pro's in this forum did not get that way because somebody held their hand through their beginning years. You will not learn anything if you simply expect answers from people. All this does is force you to return again and again without ever having learned anything. You would be foolish to take any response in this forum as gospel, in the end, you will have to research what you read here anyhow. You would learn a lot if you took the vague answers from this forum and combined it with your own research while learning from your own mistakes. Taking pictures, keeping a journal and constantly studying is the only way to get good at this hobby. Take Slanty for example.....

."Why on earth would you be watering with water that has a PH of 6? You are creating your own issues! ".....

this statement is full of information. Obviously he is telling you that watering with a ph of 6 is bad and that it is probably the cause of your continuing problem, so you should research WHY this would be a problem and decide for yourself what the most likely issue is. Esteves also gave you a great starting point but instead you chose to whine instead of reading into the question, obviously he was leading into a more detailed answer but needed more information. I have to assume you are part of the x-generation or even younger since you expect everything for nothing, and seem to think that life is fair. You would become extremely knowledgeable about growing if you quit standing on the shoulders of those who have already done the hard work and stand beside them so that we all benefit. Yes, this is a Q&A forum, but that does not mean you get to cry like a little girl when you do not get the answer you are looking for. You are missing the big picture mountainboy.
O.K. first off I asked a real simple question,nothing that had to be researched to deeply. Granted I made a mistake watering with ph 6 water,but my question was what would be the effects on a flowering plant if I flushed to correct my mistake. Are you telling me slanty couldnt have simply said " watering with water ph'ed to 6 is to acidic for soil, Yes, now you can flush in flower and these might be the things that will happen and you may also want to do this a week or two after your flush" That would have been an answer. Slanty instead decided to make a useless derogatory comment.
I'm not looking to have anyone come grow for me, I do just fine on my own. But like many others if I have a question I ask. I knew I needed to flush,just wasn't sure of the effect,as I don't flower in soil (well outdoor I do) but never had to indoors. I do, and have done plenty of research (asking questions is research too by the way) in the way I grow.
I wasn't mad because I didn't get the answer I wanted. I got mad because I don't see the point in interjecting useless comments to ppl questions, if your not going to say something that aids in answering the question,why comment? keep your mouth shut and move along.
I think you are missing the point. I dont care if I get an answer or not. I just cant stand ppl who troll the posts and feel they have to comment in every single one ,like there gonna save the world or something. But never ad anything of value to the site, except condescending remarks or quick one liners in hopes of sounding witty.
The end...don't get me going I can rant for days.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. Your kind of correct just splitting the difference I guess. I will try what you suggested,but wouldnt It be better to flush with a higher ph water to try and raise the ph of the medium, I did start to flush my 5gal buckets. After 10 gals of ph8 tap water the run off went from 4.5 to 6. should I continue with the 8water till I hit 6.7-7 and then on the next watering use 6.5-6.7.
I see how you're thinking, and why, but a little higher then 6.5-6.8 is OK, but just remember, if you toss in some 8 or 8.5, whatever the plant takes in from that, is not going to be able to take in nutes either, so slowly bring it up.
If you repot, don't forget to mix in some Dolomite lime, or Garden lime with your perlite and soil.
Even now, top dressing with a handful of lime, and letting it get watered in would help a bit.


Well-Known Member
Will do bakatare. Thank you for the help. I flushed last night , I flushed my 5gal buckets with 10gal of tap water(EC 0.1,ph 7.5-8) each. first 5 gals of run off had EC of 2.2 and ph of 4.5-5, the second 5gal of run off produced an EC of 1.2 -1.6, and a ph of 6.8-7. I am going to let them dry for awhile and the next water/feed will be with 6.7 ph water, with a 1/2 strength dose of GH nutes mixed for bloom 1,2,3. formula. I'm not going to repot them,as they are just some old moms I thru in the flower room,even with the issues the look like they will pull @ 3oz each which is better then throwing them in the woods...lol, my E&F table is where I choose to concentrate my attention,last time I bring soil in my flower room again. Thanks again for your help.