Foaming Hyrdroponic water ??

Hi all my blue cheese is in hydroponics with a bubbler and in week 6 but over night the water has started to foam. ph 5,8.. ppm 1.6.

any help would be great



Well-Known Member
i had this happen oncewhen i added a sweetner to the res. (sugerdaddy) try toadd some hydrogen peroxide then clean res and run fresh water only for a day then clean again and restart your food again at regular level. alot of work but should do it


Well-Known Member
typically this is a sign of bacteria growth.. warm res temps promote algea and bacteria growth if you use a sweetner and res temps are warm it can cause bacteria to grow rapidly... try to lower your reservoir temps and clean things out... that will take care of the problem...


Well-Known Member
I don't think a little foam is necessarily a bad thing. It is a sign of bacteria bloom but if you have the right culture going this can be beneficial.

Good bacteria do require cooler temperatures and plenty of O2 though, so if either of those conditions were NOT met then I agree with the flush and clean.

I use fish emulsion and molasses in a jug with a bubbler as nutes for my hempy veggies. My plants like it best when I wait until the solution in my jug foams before feeding it to 'em.