Foaming in My Rez?


Rebel From The North
so i checked my rez this morning and there is foam building on the surface its white
and my rez water smells different then it did the day before. havent changed my
sause miture and its only a week old, any help would be great:leaf:


Well-Known Member
do you know what your res temps are from my experience when the water temp went over 75 F it would start foaming then shortly after got the brown slime. if your temps are up you need to keep them down.


the reason I said that is because my buddy sprayed this clones for bugs, and had this prob.


Active Member
be carefull mate i'm sure thats how my snotty jelly roots started the roots were white had some foamy froth around edges of buckets then started noticing jelly snot on my roots after a few days root coloured turned off creamy colour an then tan coloured an the water starts to take on a rotten smell as you said res is a week old i would dump that res scrub clean an give your ladies roots a h202 bath fill system back up an run JUST base nutes a+b or 1 part nutrient whatever your using no other additives or supplements just for one week an maintain res at 60-68 degrees an see what happens foam will go an roots will thrive jus my 2 pennies worth but this is what i would do jus to be on safe side once jelly takes hold it grows at super fast rates in 1 day your airstones will be coated with a thick slime along with the walls of your res as said jus my 2 pennies worth which precaution is the best cure


Active Member
sorry one more thing i see your using greatwhite i heard that can make a foamy froth in buckets but as i said iwould empty scrub clean an add jus your base nutes just for 1 week this is how i got rid of my slime everytime i added superthrive or anyother zyme product the slime would come back 10 fold just make sure you scrub system properly/ system is light proof /maintain res add frozen water bottles if needed an use just your base nutes gh bloom no superthrive no zymes just bloom, touch would my slime has not returned 4 weeks an counting still only using base nutes no additives an i am truly surprised at how they are flourishing peace i hope its not the slime an jus froth from greatwhite happy growing


Rebel From The North
well i flushed and dosed it all with h202 and remixed it, there was the brown slimey snot sucks hope i got it in time, now im adding just GH and
H202 every three days as to manage any futher problems.
Hey man, first thing to do is make sure, and I mean damn sure that no light is getting into your rez. Second, make sure your temps are staying in a good range, a little high is ok but not ideal. Third, the bubbley froth can be two things. It was/is probably the great white or possibly your "nitrogen supplement" as I know superthrive and GH stuff doesn't have wetting agents. It could also be caused by a rapid growth of bacteria in the rez. Or a combination of both. If you are getting nasty looking stuff in your rez and it is NOT smelling and it does NOT feel slimey, then it is the Great White benneficials collecting on your root system. I am not sure what color the great white is when you add it, but is it the same as what is growing in your rez? I have found it helpful when using any kind of bennie formula that adding some hygrozyme or similar enzyme product in helps feed the bennies so they can populate faster. This usually results in foam and nasty looking stuff on the root system for a few days, then it's gone and roots are clean except for pockets of the bennies that can be visible. I have uses Roots Organix Oregonizm XL and it is a black powder (due to the yucca in the mixture) this powder will clump and collect in my root system, right where I want it. My suggestion would be add in the great white but also put some hygrozyme in there to feed the bennies and give it a few days to settle or find it's own balance. It is like cycling a fish tank > if you have ever done so you know that you can't put fish in for at least a week while the bacteria cycles and the bennies overpopulate the baddies. Ok this is just my two cents let me know what solution you find works best. And by the way, I tried the h202 route and all it seemed to do was cause a whole different set of problems for me so I went back to using bennies and haven't looked back.


Active Member
hi m8 dont add h2o2 an greatwhite together as h2o2 will kill the zymes an bennies in it if you want to use h2o2 empty your system when you do rez change fill it up with plain water an add just h2o2 for the moment let the h2o2 flow round your system for about 6 hours after that most of it should of evaporated then add your greatwhite superthrive etc as you know h2o2 kills organic matter zymes bennies etc as all your doing is wasting your money on greatwhite as h2o2 will kill it the only product i know zyme wise that can be used with h2o2 is hygrozyme as said in my other post all this will be for nothing if your system is not light proof an you do not maintain temps around 65-68 degrees if you have money to throw away keep adding h202 an greatwhite together just my 2 pennies worth
yes also what nothingtodeclare said, don't add bennies and h202, either do one or the other, personally I like populating bennies in my system as it seems more natural and stable


Rebel From The North
well i flush the system with floral sheild then refilled with my nutes and h202 things were fine but the this showed up it only on my purple kush plants not the
other, now tView attachment 1388492he others have alittle yellow but i up my nute mix with no change ph is sorta stable seems every two three days i have to ph down but not much.
View attachment 1388491as for the smell and foam its gone im not liking how finiky GH is and would like some info on AVN pros vs cons