fogoponic cloner box. random budding clones


Active Member
I built a fogoponic cloner box that rocks. I'm getting 2 in roots in 8-12 days depending on the strain. All of that is great, here's the problem. Some of the clones are comming out of the box and they are starting to bud right away. This is a problem since Im not doin SOG (sea o' green) the cloner box is under 2 flouresent tubes on 24/7. Then moved to the veg room with cfls daylight spectrum 5000 lumens per tupperware tote lid. (about 1 1/2ft by 3ft)All the lights are on 24/7. Only 1 of the mommas out of 8 were flipped to determine sex, then revegged to become a momma. None of em are hermies. I am using dyna-gro liquid K-L-N rooting concentrate(about 3tsp per gal). It seems to be random. some clones from the same mom will bud others stay in veg. lotsa roots but some are starting to bud 2 days out the box. This situation seems REALLY weird to me any ideas???? thanks


Well-Known Member
Well, I'd say, don't run the clone light 24/7 cause the only thing i can think is , when you run the light 24/7 the plant is vegging, and when you cut it's light back it thinks it's going in to fall, which is when they start to budd.
I could be wrong.

And uh maybe you can help me, wtf is a fogoponic cloner?:-P
I've never even heard of them.