Foliar Feeding Thoughts?

So I was going through some old books and seen a good article on foliar feeding. Seems a lot of people have various techniques and thoughts on this matter.

I was wondering what other peoples techniques were?
What kind of products do you use?
Pre-Veg/Vegetative growth feeding times and concentrates?
Is foliar feeding even worth it and why?

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
My research (online) shows it is not worth it especialy in hydro.In soil the grower will see a slight difference.Practice recommended in veg only,and a low strength complete nute can be used.Increased risk of powdery mildew if grow is not ventilated well.Plants have better stomatic uptake on the underside of leaf.Foliar spraying imho is for the soil grower that wants a closer relationship with there plants.

no clue

Well-Known Member
The jury seems to still be deliberating on the beneficial effects of foliar feeding. Evidence that it works is anecdotal. Consensus seems to be that it is not worth the risk of mold


Well-Known Member
It's really only meant for dealing with a deficiency or as a supplementary practice, from what I had learned about it. If you're having a minor deficiency, it can help negate the effects. It's really most useful in organic soil grows due to that. If you're having a deficiency in non-organic grows, it's easy to change the rez or just add what you need to the soil in a readily-available form. Most of the problems that it causes are due to over-application. You use a very low concentrate nute, and you are only supposed to do it every few days normally. Otherwise you end up with leaf burn from all those unabsorbed salts, or mold from too much moisture.
So I folliar will kelp, it helps make things nice and green. Also by misting your plants it prevents insects from laying anything underneath the leaves. (i also spray with just water and shake the access off the plant. I believe mold will only be there if you spray it over night and let it sit, instead of in the morning just before the lights/sun comes on/up. Think, it rains on an outdoor plant and no mold is there. Unless your not controlling your environment and having high humidity etc Your going to be into some problems.. If you control that you should be fine and see nice green healthy plants..) They do feed from their stomata, but it is limited. It must be there for a reason! In the end, I believe it makes my plant more resilient. Everyone's different :)


Well-Known Member
I had a ph lock out, in 6 plants in hydro, 2nd week of flower, they were looking rather sickly and yellowing.
Tried H&G Magic Green 5-10ml/gal and the next day they looked great! they needed it, I was told not to use while using Root XL.
It saved my plants while the roots were repairing themselves.