Follow That Story Columbia Police Change SWAT Policy Following Botched Drug Raid!


Well-Known Member
See, using non-violent tactics succeeds in making changes!

The Columbia police yesterday announced additional changes to how the mid-Missouri law agency will administer its SWAT unit. The changes come after video was released last week showing police SWAT members raiding the house of a suspected drug dealer.

During the raid, the police shot two dogs (killing one) and brandished assault rifles in the presence of a wife and young child. The drug raid uncovered a scant amount of marijuana and some drug paraphernalia.

The Columbia police say that a captain will now have to sign off on all search warrants -- relieving the narcotics sergeant and SWAT commander from the process. Police will also have to deliver search warrants within a "reasonable time" (around 8 hours) and change a raid if a child is known to be in the area.

"I am telling you we did some things wrong. I am telling you we have fixed those things -- that the public can be assured that a similar incident will not happen again without someone's head rolling because it's now policy," Columbia police chief Ken Burton said in a news conference yesterday.

However, the police department's new SWAT policy does not address whether a cop can and/or should shoot an aggressive animal during police raids.

Which leads to the question: Are police ever justified in blasting away canines when carrying out a search warrant? Check back later today at Daily RFT as we address that issue in our Tuesday Tussle.

I love that chief... head's rolling, LOL.


Well-Known Member
First you're bitching and moaning because there's 2 threads about a topic then you start a third. :)


Well-Known Member
What results are you talking about?

They changed a few rules around. They were wiping there ass with the constitution anyway. Ain't shit changed yet.


Well-Known Member
What results are you talking about?

They changed a few rules around. They were wiping there ass with the constitution anyway. Ain't shit changed yet.

Dude, it's a fucking step in the right direction... are you that fucking dumb to say that what the chief has done are not RESULTS of the raid?

Lets look at the definition of results:

re·sult (r
)intr.v. re·sult·ed, re·sult·ing, re·sults 1. To come about as a consequence.

Complete change doesn't happen over night...

We should be well aware of this as we've been trying to get pot legalized for over 70 years now...


Well-Known Member
socata are u a cop, .. u trying to defend the police in this situation like this seems fishy at best.


Well-Known Member
Dude, it's a fucking step in the right direction... are you that fucking dumb to say that what the chief has done are not RESULTS of the raid?

Lets look at the definition of results:

re·sult (r
)intr.v. re·sult·ed, re·sult·ing, re·sults 1. To come about as a consequence.

Complete change doesn't happen over night...

We should be well aware of this as we've been trying to get pot legalized for over 70 years now...

Aww.. Now you hurt my feelings. :(

Get off the cops dick.


Well-Known Member
I mean seriously ur like the cops biggest CHEERLEADER...
How am I the cops biggest cheerleader? LMAO.

Why is it BAD to like the police?

I don't like the police that did this raid, or the others that trample over rights...

but in all, police are good, we need them, and I appreciate their service.

How many families would not have closure because we didn't have cops... they have to put up with the worst of society on a daily basis, and yet you still hate them?

Get off the cops dick.
Your vocabulary impresses me! :roll: Nub.

Like I said, I was raised to thank and appreciate people who are in the public service field... just because you see some police doing bad, gives you no right to hate or talk down upon the other hundreds of thousands of officers who are out there right now, assisting some lady that just got hit by a drunk driver, or arresting that guy that just stole your identity, etc... etc...


Active Member
Every cop in the fucking raid had a chioce if they were going to invade that guys home like a bunch of fucking nazis. over some marijuana residue they found in the trash. I don't care if the dog was killed or not the raid was wrong. Any person that was part of that raid is guilty in my book of human right violations.

You keep saying a few bad cops.. I mean damn soca. You act like its just a isolated incident for the cops to fuck somebody over for what ever reason they fill fit. I can bet you that just about every cop
has abused his power for his own personnal needs. I can think of atleast 100 instances just in my experience or someone I new.

The police are not police any more. They are an army. If you can't see that soca you are a fucking idiot.

The saying is soca a few good cops do not polish the shit.


Well-Known Member
It should be manditory to pepper spray an Animanl BEFORE using deadly force. Sure you might be wasteing a few seconds if the spray doesnt work...But its not like if a dog gets the jump on you your gona die. Its a fuckin dog...It will bite you, Not kill you. Deadly force should be the LAST RESORT even on animals....Excpecially on animals.

I know this doesnt have too much to do with this thread but it does have to do with this story.

Edit: And the pepper spray WILL work.


Well-Known Member
Pepper spray? That's retarded, you could still really hurt an animal... How hard is it to have an officer with a tranquilizer gun on his side? If the police do their research, it's not hard to find out if someone has a dog... In fact, that's probably NECESSARY intel.

I don't agree with everything Socata says, but for everyone to hate EVERY cop is stupid. 99% of the time the cops I meet are awesome fucking dudes. What you idiots don't realize is even the good cops have to follow the law. People get pissed when a cop doesn't let them go, or arrests them for possession. That's their job without cops our society would be chaos.


Well-Known Member
"i'm taking you home" :clap:


those 7 kids will grow up hating cops.

nice job gomer.



New Member
Wow, being someone that has friends that are in law enforcement I'm not sure my opinion would be a good one here, but thats never stopped me before.

Not all cops are trigger happy first off, its usually the new guys, which is one reason you don't see many of them on SRT's. Number 2 pits have a bad rap and because of this people act first and ask questions later when it comes to dealing with one. Why they shot the other dog I have no idea!

Changing department policy is a HUGE STEP ! ! For those of you that say its not, is it safe to assume your happy with the previous policy?? In my book public awareness and outcry forcing the hand of the PD is most certainly a step in the right direction.

Further more lets look at the fact in regards to what I feel is the most important thing here. Policy concerning automatic firearms used during a breach where a child is present. The tactical gear they wear and their training deem it necessary to point the weapon at the ground when not shouldered. IE, they point them at any child's face that might be present during the raid. Kinda like the case of the 7 yr old girl that got shot during the raid. Tragic.

To say there is no good Drug enforcement officer is not true. How happy would you be with a dealer on every corner selling heroine to kids for lunch money?? They simply need to be restructured in regards to procedural policy.

And in regards to human rights violations? can you point them out please? They identified themselves outside. No one was beaten up were they?? the officers didn't question him illegally.

Take it for what it is people, you would be a lot happier and not even bother talking about this if your drug of choice was legal. We would still have cops, they would just be doing what they were intended for in the first place, "to protect and serve" not arresting people with drug problems or those simply self medicating. The only victims in both cases are those that choose to be the victim.


Active Member
Wow, being someone that has friends that are in law enforcement I'm not sure my opinion would be a good one here, but thats never stopped me before.

Not all cops are trigger happy first off, its usually the new guys, which is one reason you don't see many of them on SRT's. Number 2 pits have a bad rap and because of this people act first and ask questions later when it comes to dealing with one. Why they shot the other dog I have no idea!

Changing department policy is a HUGE STEP ! ! For those of you that say its not, is it safe to assume your happy with the previous policy?? In my book public awareness and outcry forcing the hand of the PD is most certainly a step in the right direction.

Further more lets look at the fact in regards to what I feel is the most important thing here. Policy concerning automatic firearms used during a breach where a child is present. The tactical gear they wear and their training deem it necessary to point the weapon at the ground when not shouldered. IE, they point them at any child's face that might be present during the raid. Kinda like the case of the 7 yr old girl that got shot during the raid. Tragic.

To say there is no good Drug enforcement officer is not true. How happy would you be with a dealer on every corner selling heroine to kids for lunch money?? They simply need to be restructured in regards to procedural policy.

And in regards to human rights violations? can you point them out please? They identified themselves outside. No one was beaten up were they?? the officers didn't question him illegally.

Take it for what it is people, you would be a lot happier and not even bother talking about this if your drug of choice was legal. We would still have cops, they would just be doing what they were intended for in the first place, "to protect and serve" not arresting people with drug problems or those simply self medicating. The only victims in both cases are those that choose to be the victim.
I can just hear that swat team now. We found MJ residue in the garbage our snitch says he has MJ and guns we found the trash. Thier is know why we can take this guy in the daylight we will attack him when he sleeps. We need at least 9 guys, Full military gear, Ar-15's, flash bang gernades, regular gernades. Remember guys were not held accoutable for our actions. Hell we won't even have to apoligize if we fuck up royaly. Then we can go lock up some skateborders.

We need laws and justice but is this the kind of justice you want. Who was the swat team "protecting and serving". They were only protecting themselves and serving bullshit warrants. The only victims was the dogs and the faimly.

I know alot of good guys that are cops. I just don't know alot of good cops.


Well-Known Member
It should be manditory to pepper spray an Animanl BEFORE using deadly force. Sure you might be wasteing a few seconds if the spray doesnt work...But its not like if a dog gets the jump on you your gona die. Its a fuckin dog...It will bite you, Not kill you. Deadly force should be the LAST RESORT even on animals....Excpecially on animals.

I know this doesnt have too much to do with this thread but it does have to do with this story.

Edit: And the pepper spray WILL work.
I think shooting the dog is the whole point because they dont want to get bit.They dont know if it got rabbies or some other crazy shit so I guess they dont want to chance it,I wouldn't either.If pepper spray successfully stops the dog from attacking everytime then I dont see why not to use it,then theres the whole thing about holding a can of mace and a assault rifle at the same time while kicking in a door lol.I guess its just easier and safer to shoot the dog.