food coloring in water


Active Member
was just wondering, if a plant had food coloring added to its water say like purple, im pretty sure the leaves would turn purplish because i have done this with other plants as a kid. so if those leaves are purple they are a darker color, would they absorb more light? would maybe it grow faster? maybe someday i'll test it on a few clones. but in the meantime, anyone ever try this?

this has nothing to do with making buds look cooler of more potent. the ONLY reason for this is the possibility of speeding up photosynthesis since darker colors absorb more light. maybe even only do this in veg or early flower only if people are worried about smoking the chemicals.


Active Member
adding purple food coloring to my clone as we speak, thanks for the idea.
not a prob. glad im not the only one interested. keep me posted if you dont mind, im interested. about 10 years ago i actually tried it on an outdoor clone i had in a pot. never got to see the results cause back then i was in high school and stupid so too many ppl found out about it so it got stolen. im really hoping my days of thieves are over.


Well-Known Member
that is a waste of time guys..
If you want your plants to turn purple..
when they are one week away from harvest drop the temperatures in the flower room.
If you can not lower the temperatures..
put the freshly harvested plant in the freezer or in the fridge (preferably) for the night.. this will turn it purple..
adding food coloring and dyes to your water is just not the smartest idea..
you dont know what is in some of them..


Active Member
that is a waste of time guys..
If you want your plants to turn purple..
when they are one week away from harvest drop the temperatures in the flower room.
If you can not lower the temperatures..
put the freshly harvested plant in the freezer or in the fridge (preferably) for the night.. this will turn it purple..
adding food coloring and dyes to your water is just not the smartest idea..
you dont know what is in some of them..
i know all about temperature changes turning the plant purple. how do you know this test is a waste of time? have you ever tried it or know someone that has? of coarse if i did test it myself i would still flush with pure water no coloring 2-3 weeks before harvest. it has nothing to do with making the plant look cool or even the color purple. i just chose purple cause it's a darker color. i'd pick black if i had it around. my hypothesis would be to see if they grow better since darker colors absorb more light possibly speeding up photosynthesis. if your worried about chemicals and shit like that i would just do it in veg only. besides that, i would put food coloring in water and drink it no problem. i would never put plant fertilizer in water and drink it. i think the food coloring would be safe. fuck i'll even smoke it before anyone else and be the guinea pig. i think im gonna actually try it on a clone or 2 once i get my new veg room up and running. also i would be sure to know whats in what i put in my water and research the fuck out of it just like everything else i do.


Well-Known Member
I have tried both methods below, over a decade ago in high school..
Food coloring does absolutely nothing..
Some dyes will work to a certain extent, by making the stem change color, but This method also stunts growth and seriously messes with the plant..

Try it, you never know what todays dyes and food coloring will do..


Active Member
why would you wana smoke artificial coloring? if it changed the color of the bud that would mean your smokeing it and it prolly wouldnt taste good


Active Member
did it before... didnt change color of plants but deff messed with color of my rez. anyways if your gonna do it I would recommend harvesting ur buds. then make a little cup of food color, put stem in it with buds sticking outta cup, it kinda siphons the color up into the buds and the hairs, but really fucking taste's horrible. All I can say is just grow good bud, the shits worth it in the end, and will sell itself if that's what your after.


that is a waste of time guys..
If you want your plants to turn purple..
when they are one week away from harvest drop the temperatures in the flower room.
If you can not lower the temperatures..
put the freshly harvested plant in the freezer or in the fridge (preferably) for the night.. this will turn it purple..
adding food coloring and dyes to your water is just not the smartest idea..
you dont know what is in some of them..

I will have to try this fridge method.


Active Member
nobody 'reads' any more....
right you are sir!

for the 3rd time people this has nothing to do with the actual color of the bud. i could care less. i already grow top notch shit. im not trying to make it look cooler or prettier. check my grow journal. the ONLY reason for this is to see if the darker color would speed photosynthesis since darker colors absorb more light. thank you all who actually read the whole thread then responded.


Well-Known Member
Its been tried (taking a finished bud cutting and letting it sit in a glas with food coloring). As far as I can remember it just made it taste like shit


Active Member
It's not going to make the plant absorb more light because a plant will absorb light based on the amount of photons it has reacting with light. A darker color won't change the number of photons because the plant isn't going to know it's a different color..


Active Member
It's not going to make the plant absorb more light because a plant will absorb light based on the amount of photons it has reacting with light. A darker color won't change the number of photons because the plant isn't going to know it's a different color..
thanks, exactly the answer i was looking for. but wouldnt a darker color make it absorb photons no matter what since darker colors have more of the spectrum in then? although they say leaves absorb some of every color except for green. would that change anything as far as that? + rep for you cause u actually read and answered properly


Active Member
I've never done it, but all I can assume is that plants would naturally have started evolving to darker colors if just by being darker they absorbed more light. I really can't see that IF adding the dye worked to change the leaf color, it would do anything to alter the plants light absorbency because they just really aren't connected that way in plants...Maybe it would make the plant feel hotter over all...


Well-Known Member
Simplified, leaves are capable of aborbing light spectrum A (red), B(yellow), C(purple).. but not X(green). Making the leaves darker, or even black wont change the fact that leaves cant absorb the spectrum X.