Foot locker grow box, help?

Boji Stoner

Hey guys, I'm making or trying to make a foot locker grow box. So far I have painted it white and I have ordered these supplies: 2 120mm fans, Grounded timer and a 12v 3amp power supply DC adaptor. I already have a power strip, and cfl bulbs. What else should I get? and if you could help on how to wire them all together.

-Boji Stoner bongsmilie2013-03-04_17-34-43_547.jpg2013-03-04_17-34-55_672.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thats too small imo... If you got that idea from seeing people grow in pc's you may have took a turn in the road. Pc's are convenient because of their reflective walls and all the wiring holes and fan hole's you'd need to grow 1 compact plant. If you wanted to use that you'd have to make alotttt of modifications to it and become a master of low stress training.


Well-Known Member
holes small enough for atleast 1 pc fan, atleast 1 smaller hole to get the wires in and out, ways on the inside to attach the light fixure(im assuming splitters), and a better lining on the inside that reflects the light instead of turning it into heat, even taping pieces of printing paper to the inside would be better than that cottonish looking material.

Boji Stoner

I'm currently working on making holes for the fans, and what do you mean better lining? I heard if you paint it white it'll work just as fine.