Force flower stage outdoors?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone knows of any methods to make a plant go into flower outdoors, because i got a few not by choice late bloomers and i wanted to possibly flip them before they normally would. and this is for the upcoming season.
any info would be great!:weed:


Active Member
If youre going guerilla this would be hard(it requires going out everyday), but you can build a frame around it and pull black trashbags, blankets, etc over so you cut the light schedule to 12-12


Active Member
just throw a guerilla camo cover over the plants for two weeks and they will bud earlier


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone knows of any methods to make a plant go into flower outdoors, because i got a few not by choice late bloomers and i wanted to possibly flip them before they normally would. and this is for the upcoming season.
any info would be great!:weed:
If they are in pots & you have a garage or other dark room you can use & some good time keeping, then yes. I did that once, results werent that great though, compared to others that were left to nature.

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
You could try and cover them. I would think this would work as long you as kept air flow (for hum and temp levels). This method as far as I can see would require this daily attention of covering and uncovering though.

I am not an outdoor grower, I have been around a couple crops. I stick to indoor, with this in mind I would think you would have to keep this up beyond a two week mark. I have had plants come back out of flower and back into veg. You have to control their day and night cycle to get them to bud. Any extreme interruption to the 12&12 would only increase the amount of time they will take to mature and ripen.

To be sure, move them in and out everyday...