Formic acid? Sounds bad to me.


Active Member
This forum and the countless hours of research has provided me with knowledge on the growing of mj that surpasses that of the average smoker I meet. I'm sure many of you can say the same. I was enjoying a couple bowls with a smoker friend from school and he starts rambling about weed and starts talking about some weird growing techniques using formic acid to create a "sterile mother" who produces completely sterile female clones and that's how come good bud doesn't have seeds.
That doesn't really seem any more productive than pulling males/isolate females and what's even more interesting is he elaborates with how the formic acid makes the mother plant not only sterile, but poisonous to smoke, but that the clones taken from it are ok and actually provide greater results than just good bud in the right environment. My bullshit radar is sending out all kinds of alarms, but I couldn't resist asking if anyone here has heard of anything even slightly related to what he was talking about? I googled formic acid, and most of what I skimmed through was in reference to weed killer. If that's the case, I hope this friend of mine never attempts a grow. :dunce: