Found a wild crop in my woods behind my house...would you smoke it?

Well, last year I found a wild patch of homegrown in my backyard. I examined all the bud and found a plant that was so big it was top heavy and bent over under its weight, it was also chalk full of crystals. I did try it and it did the job ( what can I say, I was on a two week dry period,) however it taste like shit. I later realized there is a septic drain off from my house not to far away from the wild crop.

The rest of the crop was as big as the first plant I pulled, but it wasn't as crystally. So I just let it be. Later decided to collect a few seeds through out the fall and when spring came around I dump all the seeds in the same area I had found the crop. Now, I just remembered about it and decided to check on the crop, and it's back in full force. The plants in the area I threw all the seeds are HUGE and jam packed full of crystals (even the leaves have a shitload on them.)

Some of them still have that funky smell however, and you can clearly see some bunk weed growing around it (shit is all yellow and skimpy looking.) But the other plants I seen are maxed out with crystals. Does this mean it's worth a try? what would you do in my shoes? I hate to blow my lungs out on something useless.

need some answers, thanks


Well-Known Member
The septic ground shouldn't affect the taste, IMO?
Heck yea, smoke it.
Or maybe make some hash.
Maybe if you actually harvest and cure it, the flavor will improve.
It actually is pretty good considering I put little to no effort into it. Decided to dry some out and try it tomorrow. I don't own a digital camera, but I know someone who does I'll have to see if I can borrow it. Also the buds are just now sprouting, but the plants are still chalk full of crystals especially the buds. Even the leaves have crystals (I've never seen that before, but that's just me.) I'll prolly wait about another month or two to harvest if it's good. Might just pick on it now and then for a tester.

There is alot of it though, tallest plant is about 6 ft. and majority of them have crystals. I figure if I let them go long enough they'll be pretty good. I'll update you guy as I figure things out.


Well-Known Member
There is alot of it though, tallest plant is about 6 ft. and majority of them have crystals. I figure if I let them go long enough they'll be pretty good. I'll update you guy as I figure things out.
Yeah, you better let them get ripe.

And if I were you I'd invest in some bubble bags.

Mmmm.....some people have all the luck
Stuff's good though it doesn't taste like any kick ass commercial bud, but I can't really complain. I tried a few bowls of the leaves when I was completely sober and I could say with all honesty that I am pretty fuckin high. I tested about 5 or 6 bowls of leaves from a plant that wasn't fully matured and I'm enjoying the ride. The leaves did have some crystals on them though.

Only downside is the smell and to a certain degree the taste. It's kinda reminds me of skunk bud. I think if it's dried that it might kill that though.

All in all it is pretty good for what it is. Maybe next year I'll put a little more effort into maintaining it, and planting better seeds. Right now though I'll just forget about it till harvest time comes round.

I'll try and get some pics later.

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
sounds pretty wild. i can't wait to see a pic. if you can get high off the leaves then your gunna get super fried when you try the bud.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i wanna see dem pics mayne!!
if you gotta cell phone that takes pics take it with that, and e-mail them to yourself or something. or find somebody who can