Four incredible ways marijuana is great for your brain


Well-Known Member
Great article. If cannabis was legal the suicide rate would be cut in half. Lots of people suffer from stress anxiety depression and the pharma meds are fucked right up and highly addictive that are prescribed to treat this. It's actually ashame that our government would rather force toxic pharm with all it's side affects when cannabis will work in most cases with no adverse health risks.
Pharma health risks anxiety depresson meds: ulcers, up set stomach, increased risk of suicide, etc

Canabis health risks: red dry eyes and you might eat the whole pizza and not share with your significant other. Lmfao


Well-Known Member
Great article. If cannabis was legal the suicide rate would be cut in half. Lots of people suffer from stress anxiety depression and the pharma meds are fucked right up and highly addictive that are prescribed to treat this. It's actually ashame that our government would rather force toxic pharm with all it's side affects when cannabis will work in most cases with no adverse health risks.
Pharma health risks anxiety depresson meds: ulcers, up set stomach, increased risk of suicide, etc

Canabis health risks: red dry eyes and you might eat the whole pizza and not share with your significant other. Lmfao
i disagree...only one pizza?