Fox Farm Nutes & The Hog

prime mover

Active Member
Hey all!!

I was just wondering if anyone has had any experience with growing "The Hog" (from T.H. Seeds) or "Heavy Duty Fruity" with Fox Farm nutes in soil (also Fox Farm Ocean)? If so, did either of the two strains handle the nutes well or did they easily burn? Did you have to cut way back on the nutes? Any input with either of these two strains working with Fox Farm would be greatly appreciated!

I know it's a long shot with the strains but I know a lot of people use FF brand nutrients so I thought I would give it a shot.

Thanks in advance~


Well-Known Member
No experience with those strains, but they can't be much different than any other random strain. Fox Farm gets lots of love around these parts, so I think you're good there. If you're concerned about burning, start at half-strength and work your way up to the recommended level ONLY if your plant responds well. By the way, wait a good month before you introduce any nutes at all. Your FF soil will take care of them during that time.