FREE Marijuana Grow.


Active Member
Hey everyone!! Here's a little story to set up my situation.

I moved into a new house. A house where someone was evicted due to being an idiot and allowing the cops to come in and search his house when he was starting a small grow. He invited them in to search.

Well the cops took everything, there was trimmings and leaves left everywhere. I could of vacuumed up an ounce probably.

The cops dumped out all the soil into the backyard, and I figure they thought "hey its Canada, way below freezing, and a foot of snow, nothing in this soil is gonna live".

Well 3 months later, snow is gone, grass is growing, and I'm trying to clean up this mess of a backyard that is left. I notice little seedlings growing up through the grass all over the yard, Maple tree seedlings. Annoyed.

I spot this little pile of soil that was dumped out and what do I see but 4 little seedling that look different then all the rest of the maples. I think to myself, "hey, I've seen something like this before". I watch closely for the next week, I keep the dogs and kids away from the area, and even find another area with 2 more curious seedlings. It's been about what weeks, and I get my first verified sign that I have 7 Marijuana plants growing up randomly in my grass after what many say was one of the worst winters in a long time.

It's been almost 3 months now, the plants were transplanted carefully into small pots for early veg. The 6 plants didn't all make it, one was rooted too far, and the other got trampled by a dog paw. I generously have one away after it was about 8 inches tall, and am now left with 3. I transplanted them into my tomato garden and they are all sitting at at least 2.5' tall, one is 3'.

That's my story on how my first grow became what it is now.

My problem is I've been having so much ran here in Canada, and so little sun these past 2 weeks, I'm finding my plants are becoming deficient, and all different tell tale signs are popping up. I'm thinking the plants locked up and not getting what it needs, or all the rain is washing away all the nutrients.

-The plant types are obviously not known.

-The plants are in a growers medium, and a growers soil mix. They were mixed together.

-I have been giving them no nutes, because we'll they were flourishing without anything. I used a little early in, but nothing for about 1.5 months.

Plant Signs.
-Low growth yellowing a little.
-Rusty brown splotches over some leaves.
-One plant has stems turning redish
-Slight curling down, but not much, very slight.
-Lighter green then usual, but still very green.

Any advice or info is much appreciated, and any extra info you need I will supply.


Well-Known Member
if u get some pics i can help but until then id have to say from experience your in the cannabolizing stage and its eating itself, sounds like ur getting ready for harvest time. but like i said i cant be for sure unless i can see them


Active Member
if u get some pics i can help but until then id have to say from experience your in the cannabolizing stage and its eating itself, sounds like ur getting ready for harvest time. but like i said i cant be for sure unless i can see them
I'm if at all, in the first week, or couple days of flowering. I've just started seeing some pistols, problem is, I went and topped it late because I thought I had longer to veg. So Newb, and lack of hands on experience, not knowledge, has hurt my plants. I think.


Well-Known Member
it will recover,don't sweat it. but generally you dont wanna do any topping or FIM'ing after 6 weeks or so. after that it generally goes into flowering and at that point you just wanna take off anything at the bottom (Lollypopping) and cloning, to force the energy to the top colas instead of it focusing on budding the low branches that wont amount to shit,.


Well-Known Member
yep, ur just late into flowering and its eating itself (so to speak) causing the energy from the fan leaves to get sucked into the buds. alls well, judge the plant based on weight and appearance of the buds, rookie mistake to judge a plant based on fan leaves. :)


Well-Known Member
as long as the leaves growing out of the buds and the buds themselves arent splotchy and dying your fine. you want to cut it down before the buds and bud leaves start dying.


Well-Known Member
it will recover,don't sweat it. but generally you dont wanna do any topping or FIM'ing after 6 weeks or so. after that it generally goes into flowering and at that point you just wanna take off anything at the bottom (Lollypopping) and cloning, to force the energy to the top colas instead of it focusing on budding the low branches that wont amount to shit,.
lollypopping is pointless if growing outdoor waste of good smoke there is plenty of light its not like growing indoor


Well-Known Member
lollypopping is pointless if growing outdoor waste of good smoke there is plenty of light its not like growing indoor
you're right but lollypopping > Topping late into flowering regardless of environment. lollypopping is for the low nodes that arent getting light penetration the way the rest is, even outdoor there are places that get cluttered. it also forces the energy to the upper colas where it will make a better difference in yield. i personally just hate popcorn buds.


Active Member
lollypopping is pointless if growing outdoor waste of good smoke there is plenty of light its not like growing indoor
I did trim a few of the early very large fan leaves at the bottom, mainly to keep it up off the soil. I heard fan leaves touching the soil aids in bugs.


Well-Known Member
I did trim a few of the early very large fan leaves at the bottom, mainly to keep it up off the soil. I heard fan leaves touching the soil aids in bugs.
yup keep shit off the soil thats a good practice but no lollypopping an outdoor grow like i said there is plenty of light no penatration trouble like you get with indoor lights


Well-Known Member
Yea bro I don't advocate lollypopping outdoor.

Because it just ain't that big of a deal.

Even topping is pretty pointless unless your scared of height (cops)

You can grow the plant literally as big as you want if you got a good spot. Pop corn buds for the outdoor grower become good personal smoke or goes into making oil.

I grew beastly half pound-pound sativa plants honestly like ten feet tall. I'll try and find pics in the morning.

So many times new growers get caught up in the hype of topping lst hst supercropping, and don't even know the purpose before they do it. Just grow the thing how many times is more harm done than good by novice growers.

You can tell a man to pinch and bend abranch to get big bud, but do they understand why? Obv it's not magic big bud technique, it's canopy management and preference to cola number/size

Guess how I grew them?

Pondwater, Plant Prod (mircale grow substitute, same chemical shit)


New Member
Hey everyone!! Here's a little story to set up my situation.

I moved into a new house. A house where someone was evicted due to being an idiot and allowing the cops to come in and search his house when he was starting a small grow. He invited them in to search.

Well the cops took everything, there was trimmings and leaves left everywhere. I could of vacuumed up an ounce probably.

The cops dumped out all the soil into the backyard, and I figure they thought "hey its Canada, way below freezing, and a foot of snow, nothing in this soil is gonna live".

Well 3 months later, snow is gone, grass is growing, and I'm trying to clean up this mess of a backyard that is left. I notice little seedlings growing up through the grass all over the yard, Maple tree seedlings. Annoyed.

I spot this little pile of soil that was dumped out and what do I see but 4 little seedling that look different then all the rest of the maples. I think to myself, "hey, I've seen something like this before". I watch closely for the next week, I keep the dogs and kids away from the area, and even find another area with 2 more curious seedlings. It's been about what weeks, and I get my first verified sign that I have 7 Marijuana plants growing up randomly in my grass after what many say was one of the worst winters in a long time.

It's been almost 3 months now, the plants were transplanted carefully into small pots for early veg. The 6 plants didn't all make it, one was rooted too far, and the other got trampled by a dog paw. I generously have one away after it was about 8 inches tall, and am now left with 3. I transplanted them into my tomato garden and they are all sitting at at least 2.5' tall, one is 3'.

That's my story on how my first grow became what it is now.

My problem is I've been having so much ran here in Canada, and so little sun these past 2 weeks, I'm finding my plants are becoming deficient, and all different tell tale signs are popping up. I'm thinking the plants locked up and not getting what it needs, or all the rain is washing away all the nutrients.

-The plant types are obviously not known.

-The plants are in a growers medium, and a growers soil mix. They were mixed together.

-I have been giving them no nutes, because we'll they were flourishing without anything. I used a little early in, but nothing for about 1.5 months.

Plant Signs.
-Low growth yellowing a little.
-Rusty brown splotches over some leaves.
-One plant has stems turning redish
-Slight curling down, but not much, very slight.
-Lighter green then usual, but still very green.

Any advice or info is much appreciated, and any extra info you need I will supply.
Yea bro I don't advocate lollypopping outdoor.

Because it just ain't that big of a deal.

Even topping is pretty pointless unless your scared of height (cops)

You can grow the plant literally as big as you want if you got a good spot. Pop corn buds for the outdoor grower become good personal smoke or goes into making oil.

I grew beastly half pound-pound sativa plants honestly like ten feet tall. I'll try and find pics in the morning.

So many times new growers get caught up in the hype of topping lst hst supercropping, and don't even know the purpose before they do it. Just grow the thing how many times is more harm done than good by novice growers.

You can tell a man to pinch and bend abranch to get big bud, but do they understand why? Obv it's not magic big bud technique, it's canopy management and preference to cola number/size

Guess how I grew them?

Pondwater, Plant Prod (mircale grow substitute, same chemical shit)
The best thing you could of done here is give it artificial sun till its sunny and keep it at a good tempeture