free pot--

Rare D MI

New Member
Which one of you chicken shit mods deleted my post and what was the offense? I did not break TOU at all. All I said is bob is not one of us and more actual doctors need to start coming around with their patients. You got potroast in your pocket bob? Profiteer to the fullest. I think it's funny you feel you're such an activist for the cause, but you're unsure how you're going to proceed With the recent ruling. Grow some fucking balls and help change minds instead of being shutte's lap dog.

Fuck RIU, I take a break from posting for a few days, take time to write a response to all of this nonsense and its deleted in 20 minutes.


Well-Known Member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Grow Goddess again.

Holy fuck - you go girl!
Took the rant right out of my head. :clap:


New Member
bob made a friend with a mod mabe a free cert ive had loke 4 or 5 post removed from this thread.bobs mad bcuz he had to remove all the spam on his profile and is no longer allowed to spam these forums.bob will soon be back at the 3ma with his kind


Well-Known Member
Like I said two weeks ago, all this dumb law will do is cut the state out of millions, cost the state millions. More to enforce said dumb law,n drive the wholesale price down on lbs.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
ROTFL, I told you so? did you just type that mr. top of my field? I got a 2nd grader I'm trying to break of that saying. What a joke. wtf is your field anyway? Pot doc? hope you weren't operating thru or with the help of any DISPENSARIES! Oh and all this for a second time too cuz it's true and you suck:

Which one of you chicken shit mods deleted my post and what was the offense? I did not break TOU at all. All I said is bob is not one of us and more actual doctors need to start coming around with their patients. You got potroast in your pocket bob? Profiteer to the fullest. I think it's funny you feel you're such an activist for the cause, but you're unsure how you're going to proceed With the recent ruling. Grow some fucking balls and help change minds instead of being shutte's lap dog.

Fuck RIU, I take a break from posting for a few days, take time to write a response to all of this nonsense and its deleted in 20 minutes.


New Member
both hands up i remember going to groco and thinking who is watching me lol i grew before the act and will after the act...remember heating up pop tarts on the mag ballast while i gave the girls the love

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
nah nee nah nee boo boo stick your head in doo doo bobby was right. hey...dr. bob.......bob harris.....coincidence? Maybe not.....hmmm.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
both hands up i remember going to groco and thinking who is watching me lol i grew before the act and will after the act
Now that we got all these grow shops though it's easier to pay cash and not order on amazon! LOL, that 70 watt HPS bulb brings back memories dude. hanging in my apartment closet on chains wired myself from an outdoor polebarn light LOL ahh the good old days when we all knew we were criminals and doctors didn't fuck with our heads about being legit somehow thru his magic trickery of hoop jumping. You knew where you stood for sure!


Well-Known Member
Bob seems to forget he has a "cannabis" job because a few of us were brave enough to do what was right to start with. All the roots of the medical movement lie with what doc call criminals. All the strains we medicate with bred by"criminals". All the support at hempfest and different rallys, also "criminals". He has some problem with people enjoying there medicine. Not serious enough for him I guess. He does not want to know there is an entire culture around this amazing plant! What do you want clothes, shelter, medicine, food, sustainable oils? Turns out a bunch of hippies (criminals) have known it all along!

I would love to see it legalized, mostly for the sake of all the innocent people being incarcerated. Doc want to make sure he has a job. I want to make sure my medicine is of the highest quality possible and that it helps those who enjoy it. The reason the plant is not accepted by doc or the rest of the medical industry is because its easy to grow! If ever completely legal doc would not profit, nor would any pharmaceutical companies because if you needed meds someone like me could show you how to grow a life supply for next to nothing. If not regulated there is no hope for anyone in the medical industry will make a penny. You see with good free completely legal medicine grown in our own yards there is no need for Doc!

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
Looks like the basis of this thread is gone, so carry on. I'll head out to things that need further discussion and leave you to talk among yourselves.

Dr. Bob


Well-Known Member
The basis was a well meaning store owner going out on a limb to do something good and right regardless of stupid laws! silly doc


Well-Known Member
The basis was a well meaning store owner going out on a limb to do something good and right regardless of stupid laws! silly doc
I disagree a bit.

I like the concept of what this guy was doing. Giving away free meds to people that need it, and collecting food for people down on their luck. However, this seemed to be more about publicity than it was helping people. He could very easily have set this up in a manor that would have kept the media out of this, and gone about his business of helping people. Instead, he choose to grandstand a bit, and I'm not so sure that will move the ball down the field in the direction we want it to go. That's a different topic, though.