Freight10x to the future!


Well-Known Member
Tried salvia two days ago. three hits and it smacked me in the head. I didn't know what I was getting into, suddenly I was inside darkness.. like darkness of space.. the chick next to me told me she was saying my name over and over but I heard the sound a spitter makes.. if you don't know it's really annoying and is like a gurgling/hissing/screaming irritating noise. I didn't want to talk to her. the picture of the warner brothers emblem was in my head when I closed my eyes I couldn't control myself I was in robot mode.. I thought about the mighty morphin power rangers back in the day and smelt lego plastic.. or saw.. or tasted I don't know.. it was freezing out and the chick wouldn't stop making weird noises. I was trying t talk to my boy but every time I opened my mouth the words couldn't escape. i'd suddenly have like an overwhelming picture in my head.. thinking of it I think it was like a church in rome or the jedi concil room.. haha idk but I was just drooling and he couldn't understand me so I got up when my eyes were closed and walked the ten feet to the deck railing. I pictured myself in a blue icy mountain climate climbing, pulling myself up the back of a silver frozen train. I was riding a train through time. we got out of the tunnel and I was at the railing. I didn't precisely remember what happened for another day, and I really still don't. very safe, and a short trip. fun but mary j is much more kind on my senses.. the experience was good nor bad, just.. really weird. my other friend thought a fork on a plate across the room was poking him in the face and the one word he used to explain the experience was "casino." haha, alright for him I guess. enjoy yourself kids, but not too hard :D