fresh air, or cool air?


Well-Known Member
I've got 6 in the closet of a 12X12 room. 850 watts of CFL's and tubes (I know I know....)lol Anyway its getting hot out now and I have to run the A/c in that room if I want the closet below 90F. But then i have to close the windows and I'm afraid they're not getting enough fresh air.
So the question is what do you think should be my priority? Fresh air or cooler temps?
Oh yeah....they are 34days flowering and making nice buds too...:mrgreen:
I know fresh air is really important, but they are in pots that are probably too small and they DO NOT like it when its hot. This I know. I give em homemade CO2( sugar /yeast) a few times a day I don't know how much that helps but...
Plenty of pics in my gallery...
Any thoughts?? How I can keep my ladies cool AND fresh?


Well-Known Member
I would stick with cool air if its getting too hot, I turn on my air conditioner in the summer months and my plants are doing fine.


Well-Known Member
Dealing w/same. No easy solution I know of. I've got a fan hanging from the ceiling of my grow area, to move the HOT air that congregates there, another fan I place a few feet in front of the grow area's open doorway, blowing 'in' on "medium" (trying NOT to blow hot air directly on any of my plants, also in flower) and a third fan, exhausting the entire room, in a window, on 'hi'. It's still unpleasantly hot up there, but at least I think I'm getting some fresh air in and the hot, stale air out. Might not work if smell is a concern, for obvious reasons.
I'm guessing that AIR is more important than TEMP.
Then again, A/C isn't an option for me. It's s'posed to be 100+ here in the Northern Rockies later this weekend. Oh, F'N joy!


Well-Known Member
im in basement w/ tile flooring and i havnt done anything and my temps are perfect its like 28 celsius outside but my girls are chillin,
and my girls to be(hopefully) outside are doing amazing after the biggest hailstorm ever, a piece of hail like 2 cm thick topped one of my plants for me (thanks god)
and only a few leaves were lost, either way that hail was shit nuts