Friends stealth grow having issues, any advice???? Look at the pics


Active Member
Hey one of my close friends started growing a little after me and ive been helping him out, he doesnt have internet so im doing this for him. I got some pics of the plants in question. 4 pics are of the same older plant(approx 1 1/2 months), the other 4 are of 2 different 3 week old plants having not similar problems, but problems for sure. If you could help us in identifying what the problem is and what would be the best way to correct it so he doesnt lose his plants. Thanks RIU and keep growin =)

p.s. if needing any more info just ask and ill get back ASAP



Active Member
Man i'm only on my first grow also, but i have this book that explains different deficiency's and that resembles a Potassium deficiency.

What does it do?
Potassium takes care of the strength and the quality of the plant.

What can you see?
Dead edges of the leaves, brown spots.

*Too little or the wrong type of nutrient.
*Growing in Potassium-fixed soils.
*An excess of sodium (Kitchen salt) As sodium slows down the potassium intake.

*Flush with clean water and re-balance the pH
*Add potassium yourself: Dissolve 5 - 10 grams of potassium nitrate in 10 liters of water.
*Add potassium in organic form.

I hope i helped ya out man, keep it real!


Active Member
feed them . maybe flush a little to be safe them feed them . They look awfully light green to me . that and maybe looks like some N and P shortage . I would just asume they need more food until you see signs of something else going on . At least try to get them to get a tad darker .


Active Member
yeah im havin major issues with my current seedlings all of them are showing the same kind of thing except the one older plant u see in the set of pics


Well-Known Member
Flush them and back down on the nutes. What you have there is nute burn. Feeding to much or to high of ppm. So just flush it using water 5x the size of the pot. 1 gallon pot is 5 gallons of water. Add it slow and let it drain out the bottom. It's going to take awhile to do this. Then let it dry out. Use water when dry. Then after that use half or 3/4 of the nutes you where useing. New growth will look good but the leaves you see now will still look like that. Good luck