Frost Shelters for young plants


Anyone got any good ideas for frost protectors for young plants outside?.. would a sheet of tin work?.. any specific material?.



Active Member
If its frost during the nighttime that you're worried about, u can make a box from styrofoam and put this over the plant. If the soil doesn't freeze up your plant should be fine, but only for one night og two. Otherwise you may have to move your plant inside if that is an option.

Good luck :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I'd just go to walmart and get some of the highest watt 6500K (Kelvin) CFLs you can find and keep your plants under them in your room or closet until it's warm out... otherwise you can order a $50 mini greenhouse to put outside.


ah ok, well i try and sort somthing out anyway.

I'd just go to walmart and get some of the highest watt 6500K (Kelvin) CFLs you can find and keep your plants under them in your room or closet until it's warm out... otherwise you can order a $50 mini greenhouse to put outside.


Well ive come to a conlusion, I will build a wood shelter and drape material over it for insulation just at nightimes.. sound any good?


Active Member
Well ive come to a conlusion, I will build a wood shelter and drape material over it for insulation just at nightimes.. sound any good?
It sounds okay, as long as you only put the box over the plant when it otherwise would have been dark.

If you put the box over the plant every day so that it only gets 12-14 hours of light a day, it might go into flower.
Be aware of this, make sure not to "steal" light from your plant(s)

Happy growing :hump:

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
It sounds okay, as long as you only put the box over the plant when it otherwise would have been dark.

If you put the box over the plant every day so that it only gets 12-14 hours of light a day, it might go into flower.
Be aware of this, make sure not to "steal" light from your plant(s)

Happy growing :hump:
he's talking about a nighttime frost/cold.