Fruit-basket dipped in diesel fuel, you say? You bet'cha!


***CFL bagseed grow***

This clone is from a bagseed mother, and has been Flowering for 52 days. Smells like a fruit-basket dipped in diesel fuel..

Same clone as above.
It's Mother plant is directly behind it, and tied down..

Same clone as above pics.
The clones behind this one are from a different mother plant I grew (also bagseed). And they smell kinda like over-rippened pineapples, with a hint of dead skunk..


***Early Smoke Report***
2 Weeks ago, as I was pulling one of my clones (pics above) out from my grow area for watering, one of the lower branches got caught up with another lower branch from my mother plant.. and snap!
Dried for about 6 days, and has now been curing 1 week...

Last night, 2 solid tokes from my glass pipe and it was blast-off time. For a moment, it felt as if my legs were paralyzed and my entire body was glued down to my bed. You know that sensation you get when your arm or leg starts to fall asleep, kinda like that. Very relaxing for me. This morning I awoke with a light intoxicated, but very pleasant feeling. The smell is great. Overwhelmingly skunky at first, with a fruity/diesely smell not too far behind...

Thanks for reading, all comments welcome.. good or bad =]