fruity weed?


Well-Known Member
you can cure it with fruits, such as an orange or strawberries.. you can add flavouring into your last few waterings, or you can simply select a strain that has "fruity" genetics


Well-Known Member
molasses does help taste, however, I wouldnt say that it makes them "fruity" tasting.. but yes, picking a strain with the right genetics is your best option


Active Member
word! do u think puting some fruit in a blender, grinding it up to a liquid, and then adding it to water before watering. do u think this would help add taste?


Lots of people complain about the bitter aroma and taste of hydroponics crops, but only Advanced Nutrients gives you a way to do something about it. Our 100% organic Sweet Leaf works directly on plant taste and aroma systems so your harvests are sweet as candy, and worth more too. Sweet Leaf beats all the other enhancers on the market. It helps plants grow faster and produce bigger yields too. And we guarantee it!CARBOLOAD LIQUID
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is that kinda what your looking for???