Fuck Bars!!

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
yo 5nug, i did tell my doc i smoked a lot of pot in the past. do you think he is skeptical about this? he has never once asked me to take a urine test.

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
and another thing...he doesnt prescribe me instant release xanax which is bay far more addicting than XR xanax. i dont understand why he wont prescribe more..the IR shit will have you craving for more....like a 1 or 2mg instant rls will have u faded with 2 beers and a bowl...you dont even need the bowl heh


Well-Known Member
Yeah bars are bad news when u get addicted to them. We had a kid from my old neighborhood who got strung out on bars. He tried to rob a dealer with a fake gun for all his bars. The dude pulled out a real gun and killed him. The poor fucker was only like 18 or 19...

I love taking them tho. But, yeah, they're bad news for some ppl.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know people go crazy over them. I hear people getting robbed for them all the time, mostly middle aged women.

Anyways I only do them like once/twice a month when I want to really feel good.

Its funny how you piece together "yesterday night" after waking up off those because you cant remember shiiiitttt..(I haven't taken them alone, only with the ganj)


Well-Known Member
i like how dudes get so faded off xannies that they steal and cant remember even stealing shit. also my friends pops has burn holes in all his shirts, pj's, sheets-everything. that is the sign of a true head. also i like the soma jerk haha.


Well-Known Member
xanax bars will knock that ass out if you aint use to em...i LOVE to take a xanny and smoke me an L to tha face... man, now thats all i can think about...thnx alot.


Well-Known Member
Dude Klonopins are not the shit... they are ok. Seriously i had some of the 1mg. green ones the other day, you can feel one, but not like a bar. I had a whole script of xanny #3, they are like triangle shaped bluish-green. Will fuck you up for days if you take more than 1.

Now the big ass green monsters will kick that ass...anyone know about the greenie meanys?


Active Member
Shit I never even tryed bars before sold em though I think the only pill I popped was some hydrocodones but I think that shit is dangerous in lArge amounts fucks up the liver or some shit but who gets fuck you pill poppin animals that shit still a gett u fucked but u really wanna get out your body get some x pills fuck bars.


Active Member
ha i love those.
the only part that sucks is i usually pass out from being
too tired. snorting them is better than just popping em.
in my view.


Well-Known Member
watched my bro do that... hardcore shit right there... i would never snort it... xannys and other pills, i have, but not x.


Active Member
I've snorted riddlin, vicodin, even pixy sticks(yea, im a dumbass), ive also put crushed vicodin on top of a fat bowl(another dumbass idea). btw its not really worth the high. Not exactly something to be proud of, just thought i would share...


Well-Known Member
I used to snort Oxy and pop vicodin. That was before I started smokin weed. Now smokin is all I do. I can't handle oxy, I get super sick the morning after and usually spew 4 or 5 times.