FUCK California!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the vote on prop 8 was a real surprise. I always forget how conservative California really is. Still, it's a tough fight when you're up against the Mormons, the Knights of Columbus, the mother of Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater, and that evil fucker Howard F. Ahmanson.

Prop 5, supported (or was it opposed?--one of the two) by the California prison guards union, shows you just how powerful the prison industrial complex has become in his country. Not long ago, I remember reading that the only to growth industries in this county were prisons and casinos. Makes you think...


Well-Known Member
This is the problem with people voting based on the television commercials they see (except this year it was SO much more than that, we were getting phone calls until almost 8:30 last night!) and other information that's had a spin put to it. They don't read the text of the legislation, and so, actually don't know what it is they're voting on a lot of the time. People clearly bought into the idea that Prop. 5 was a "Get Out of Jail Free" card, and are willing to continue dumping millions upon millions into the prison system in order to keep people incarcerated. Non-violent drug offenders, for Christ's sakes.


Well-Known Member
This is the problem with people voting based on the television commercials they see (except this year it was SO much more than that, we were getting phone calls until almost 8:30 last night!) and other information that's had a spin put to it. They don't read the text of the legislation, and so, actually don't know what it is they're voting on a lot of the time. People clearly bought into the idea that Prop. 5 was a "Get Out of Jail Free" card, and are willing to continue dumping millions upon millions into the prison system in order to keep people incarcerated. Non-violent drug offenders, for Christ's sakes.
And Prop 8 passed based on people's fears of gay marriage being taught to their children :roll:


thats a bummer about #5 i thought you in cali would definately get it. im near massachusetts and #2 decriminalization was approved but no medical marijuana in MA.


Well-Known Member
thats a bummer about #5 i thought you in cali would definately get it. im near massachusetts and #2 decriminalization was approved but no medical marijuana in MA.
I was shocked. prop 5 went down 40/60. Not even close. The only counties that were majority yes were Santa Cruz, San Francisco, Marin, Mendocino, and Humboldt. I loled.


Well-Known Member
norml posted this thing about prop 5 losing, it says the security union or something gets paid overtime for all the people in jail.


i think its almost about time to rid some jobs of union. it obviously isnt needed in certain professions.