
Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Fuck I have trouble understanding the Brits...

who me? haha sunderland are a football team, ( nb not soccer!!) people from sunderland are known as mackems. ( in the second world war they used to make ships and allsorts of machinery, the name comes from the expression you make them ill take them or with the accent you mackem ill tack em )

it was the local derby game this weekend and we FUCKed them up big time 5-1


RIU Bulldog
Fuck this fucking thread proves a lot of fucking people need fucking therapy.

Fuck people who can't read a map.
Fuck your stupid if you can't find a whore in Vegas


Active Member
Fuck Norml
Fuck Indiana
Fuck weed prices
Fuck god
Fuck illness
Fuck Lung Cancer
Fuck Vodka
Fuck the Drug War


Well-Known Member
who me? haha sunderland are a football team, ( nb not soccer!!) people from sunderland are known as mackems. ( in the second world war they used to make ships and allsorts of machinery, the name comes from the expression you make them ill take them or with the accent you mackem ill tack em )

it was the local derby game this weekend and we FUCKed them up big time 5-1
Nice!...Guess I missed the fucking fat chick!
