

Well-Known Member
all i can say is eeewwwww

fuck big frizzy hair

fuck hot pink spandex

fuck legwarmers

fuck that 80's music

i could keep going


Well-Known Member
thats something i would do with my hair clip then i would put it in my hair and be mad at myseld:) I also used hubbies face ahir sissors once he was a bit mad but alchohol cleans it good

J - Dog

Well-Known Member
Fuck the NAFTA Superhighway and North American Union

Fuck the politicians fleecing America, and Shrub Jr.

Fuck an Orwellian Police State

Fuck supervised release and random UA's

For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge!



Well-Known Member
^^^^^^^^^ that was well fuckin thot out.

fuckin scavengers one page back. use fuckin anyfukkin thing to get fukkin resin. haha