fuckin ex girlfriends dad bout to blow my grow spot up tomorow morning


Well-Known Member
That sounds like a plan :)

Seriously, that man is a complete bitch. It sounds like he started off being nothing but a punk bitch. He gets punked by another man, had to see she wasn't fighting it, and then proposes to her?! Sounds fucking desperate. He needs to commit seppuku, the only way he gets out of this life with a shread of fucking dignity.
you aint kiddin bruh let some dude walk up to my girl and ask her on a date while im at the table eatin...dudes gonna catch a fork to the throat or choked out with the table cloth...shit somethin he prolly wrote the number down for the dude lol


Well-Known Member
you aint kiddin bruh let some dude walk up to my girl and ask her on a date while im at the table eatin...dudes gonna catch a fork to the throat or choked out with the table cloth...shit somethin he prolly wrote the number down for the dude lol
I would have fucking snapped. Bashed his face with my forehead then kicked his ribs in, then I would have gone off on that slut and dropped her. Damn sure wouldn't have proposed to her. I can't even contemplate what was going through his head thinking that was the move to make. And he has a son?!! HE TAUGHT ANOTHER GENERATION THIS BITCH LIKE BEHAVIOR?! The darwin theory has failed our species. Seriously. I used to think the theory had merit. This has single handedly killed my faith in it.

Seriously, just hearing this pisses me off. For his own good, beat him to death, it won't be a crime, consider it an act of mercy. Or your contribution to the species. Redeem Darwin... †LOL†


Well-Known Member
I would have fucking snapped. Bashed his face with my forehead then kicked his ribs in, then I would have gone off on that slut and dropped her. Damn sure wouldn't have proposed to her. I can't even contemplate what was going through his head thinking that was the move to make. And he has a son?!! HE TAUGHT ANOTHER GENERATION THIS BITCH LIKE BEHAVIOR?! The darwin theory has failed our species. Seriously. I used to think the theory had merit. This has single handedly killed my faith in it.

Seriously, just hearing this pisses me off. For his own good, beat him to death, it won't be a crime, consider it an act of mercy. Or your contribution to the species. Redeem Darwin... †LOL†
hahahahahaha i cant stop lauging im compiling all this up to send in an email


Well-Known Member
i straight told this old ass man to his face i wouldent be able to live with myself if i was ok with his situation or stay with a chick if i knew she cheated on me or the fact like you said above i would never fucking propose to a bitch after she took a number from some other dude


Well-Known Member
I would have fucking snapped. Bashed his face with my forehead then kicked his ribs in, then I would have gone off on that slut and dropped her. Damn sure wouldn't have proposed to her. I can't even contemplate what was going through his head thinking that was the move to make. And he has a son?!! HE TAUGHT ANOTHER GENERATION THIS BITCH LIKE BEHAVIOR?! The darwin theory has failed our species. Seriously. I used to think the theory had merit. This has single handedly killed my faith in it.

Seriously, just hearing this pisses me off. For his own good, beat him to death, it won't be a crime, consider it an act of mercy. Or your contribution to the species. Redeem Darwin... †LOL†
the son wasnt taught that the bitch was passed down genetically

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
There are two sides to every story. I'm sure someone somewhere is getting an earful of how much of an asshole cunt keepitcoastal has been and all the terrible things he has done and said.

Whether your grow is "legal" or not, insurance will not cover anything related to a grow because it's illegal federally.


Well-Known Member
There are two sides to every story. I'm sure someone somewhere is getting an earful of how much of an asshole cunt keepitcoastal has been and all the terrible things he has done and said.

Whether your grow is "legal" or not, insurance will not cover anything related to a grow because it's illegal federally.
haha i know for a fact that you are right he is giving people an ear full of how much an asshole i am but i was perfect up until there son fucked with my grow. but i cant just let people think they can come destroy months of work and that im not going to do anything about it


Well-Known Member
so today i am woken up being told ill be payed 1500 if i move out today! so if i can find a place to live id love to take there 1500 im frantically calling homies looking for a place to stay!!


Well-Known Member
looks like by the end of today i will be 1500 dollars richer just for getting away from this gay situation. and i think i might just have to post my plants on craigslist for like 30-50 a piece. i guess ill just pack all my stuff into a storage unit for alittle while and then ill just stay in a hotel until i can find a better spot to move into


With it being in there name, they can state that they don't want any growing going on and if it does they can kick you out. it does not matter if you say it's (Legal)it is still Illegal as far as Federal law is concerned. you should have been out of there a long time ago..


Well-Known Member
With it being in there name, they can state that they don't want any growing going on and if it does they can kick you out. it does not matter if you say it's (Legal)it is still Illegal as far as Federal law is concerned. you should have been out of there a long time ago..
yeah but i read over my lease 10 times and all it says is no "illegal" manufacturing or distributing. and for one mine is state legal... and two i dont considering cultivation the same as manufacturing

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
yeah but i read over my lease 10 times and all it says is no "illegal" manufacturing or distributing. and for one mine is state legal... and two i dont considering cultivation the same as manufacturing
but it is illegal federally. the courts opinion of what cultivating is the only one that matters (not yours).

$1500 is a good deal to move out. depending on how much you expect to get for your plants though it might be better to stay and harvest.


Well-Known Member
im getting my 1500 at 4 today then im gonna be sleeping around for a week. ill be moving my tent to a homies house i hope