Fukd up


Active Member
was in the backyard smoking and noticed a black widow and sprayed it with raid when I stopped spraying I noticed some raid flying in the air towards my plant like a fuckin fadoofadirt I think I sprayed my plant.. I grabbed the hose and started spraying the leaves to try and wash it off? Did I just fuck everything up? Wasn't a lot I don't think
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sandhill larry

Well-Known Member
Spiders can be your friend. Back in 84 or 85 I killed a spider in the living room at the little house by the pond. Seconds later as I was walking down the hall, a spider came bounding out of the bathroom and bit me on the foot. He had to have known I had just killed his kin. I got to thinking about what would happen if they decided to gang up on me when I was sleeping. There are lots of spiders around and only one of me. That was the last spider I intentionally killed. Haven't been bit since.

Very rarely do they bite folks. Mostly they eat flies and other aggravating things.


Active Member
Your plant will be fine.
Ok cool I didn't want to poison myself lol... But I hate spiders I sprayed the black widow for about 45 seconds to a minute to watch it fall off the web and die... Can't let it have a web by my daughters play area.. The mist flew in the air for about 10 feet to my tree there's 3 eggs I need to destroy now