full moon is on life support i think!


once again, good day to you all!

in the pictures listed below i will explain it.

in the tri plant pic, the one of the left and middle is the 'full moon' strain and the one on the right in the 'aurora indica' strain.

they were all planted at the same time. this would be day 7 of them being planted in their dixie cup homes. now the one on the left and right sprouted very healthy and fast. the one in the middle however, the shell was STUCK on the sprout (when i say stuck, i mean glued to it). it would not budge. so what i ended up doing was taking a razor and kind of scraping off little layers so the leaves could portrude out of it faster. in doing so, the little leaves have come out finally but they are very small. you know how the first 2 leaves wil be round, then a set of the ridged ones??? well, this had NO round leaves and the ridged leaves are still very small.

i have nicknamed this the baby in the incubator bc its not even close to being par with them others.

can anyone please tell me how this happened?
will this effect the whole plant later down?
it appears to be somewhat healthy im just worried about the small leaves bc its growing twice as slow as its other sisters :( any input would be very appreciated.its jsut weird to have the same strain growing but so stunted at the same time.

plants are currently sitting under a 40watt flourescent light 2 inches above plants.

any input on baby incubator would be very appreciated



New Member
once again, good day to you all!

in the pictures listed below i will explain it.

in the tri plant pic, the one of the left and middle is the 'full moon' strain and the one on the right in the 'aurora indica' strain.

they were all planted at the same time. this would be day 7 of them being planted in their dixie cup homes. now the one on the left and right sprouted very healthy and fast. the one in the middle however, the shell was STUCK on the sprout (when i say stuck, i mean glued to it). it would not budge. so what i ended up doing was taking a razor and kind of scraping off little layers so the leaves could portrude out of it faster. in doing so, the little leaves have come out finally but they are very small. you know how the first 2 leaves wil be round, then a set of the ridged ones??? well, this had NO round leaves and the ridged leaves are still very small.

i have nicknamed this the baby in the incubator bc its not even close to being par with them others.

can anyone please tell me how this happened?
will this effect the whole plant later down?
it appears to be somewhat healthy im just worried about the small leaves bc its growing twice as slow as its other sisters :( any input would be very appreciated.its jsut weird to have the same strain growing but so stunted at the same time.

plants are currently sitting under a 40watt flourescent light 2 inches above plants.

any input on baby incubator would be very appreciated

just wait and see what prevails you should be fine but if you come across that situation with the seed shell stuck on again leave it alone and just spray or drop some water on the shell every 6hrs or so and it will soon soften and get pushed of by the seed leafes.
(i have done this before).
never use tools or your fingers to remove the shell as it WILL fall of when its ready.
(i would not worry about it and just see how things go).
good luck.



yes looks like a runt. i have one of those too and they just look wilted all the time and grow slower and smaller. it sucks...