Fun games when high

I R Stoned

Active Member
what are some really fun games when you are stoned blue? I find games like the halo series and DDR and guitar hero series very entertaining, also chess when you are high is awesome, always been a big chess player, but when im stoned im unbeatable haha :joint:


Active Member
its all about FPS games.
or old arcade game.

a few friends and I get stoned and play Pong tournaments quite a bit.
its hella fun.


Well-Known Member
Slug - one person goes inside a sleeping bag and drops too the floor, they are not allowed to stand and must flail about attempting to touch the other players (non masked), if you are touched you are slug.

Hurricane Katrina - One person is Hurricane Katrina and wears the bag, spins around as fast as he can trying to hit others. All others are victims apart from one who is George Bush who simpily sits and watches.
When you are not thinking about hard and serious gaming then its a good option to have some lite and fun games which makes you fresh.


Well-Known Member
Soccer is fun. Or just Anything outside that makes you run, because you get all dizzy and can't stop laughing it's great fun.


Well-Known Member
Somtimes I like black ops just for the stoned competition. I love spanking the other players when I'm super geeked, makes me feel good!

Lately tho I've been runnin around kickin the soccer ball. But my favorite is footbal scrims with my friends. Super excited for the season! Nothing better than getting stoned and faded on a Sunday afternoon.


Well-Known Member
Basketball is really fun baked with some friends. So is paintball, get lifted and run around shooting eachother gets my heart racing and is hella fun. I can also play poker all day long. Video games wise I like my madden and just recently picked up the last silent hill that was out and playing that late at night with a few j's gets me prtty spooked. haha lots of fun games to play when baked.


Well-Known Member
We like to invite 4 or 5 couples over and we all get high and drunk than we blind fold the woman and the guys pull our pants down and the woman try to identify which dick belongs to who by feeling them or what ever, then we do it with the woman, gets harder as more of them shave.

take forever.jpg