Fungicide and Rev's Soil


Well-Known Member
I am currently growing in rev style super soil. And I have a powdery mildew problem, so I am wondering if using Eagle fungicide for powdery mildew will harm the good fungus in my soil.


Well-Known Member
If you douche it on too heavy with lots of run off from the leaves into the soil, sure.

I'm running a very similar mix and use Eagle20 if I have to. Use a good wetting agent/spreader sticker and apply just enough to wet the leaves/affected areas.

A few drops going into the soil isn't going to do that much and I've always just needed one application to take care of it.

Never had much luck with the organic "feel good" solutions that don't seem to do squat, except cause you to lose most if not all of your crop.

I also do not use it after the first couple weeks in flower. It's very potent stuff and should be treated accordingly.



Well-Known Member
Anytime I am spraying for pests, fungus, etc, even organic sprays such as neem oil, I put a slit paper plate around the stem of the plant and most of the spray is caught on the plate and doesn't go in the soil.


Well-Known Member
Anytime I am spraying for pests, fungus, etc, even organic sprays such as neem oil, I put a slit paper plate around the stem of the plant and most of the spray is caught on the plate and doesn't go in the soil.
Good tip!!!! Plus rep!



Well-Known Member
For what it's worth, I believe Eagle is mobile in the xylem, but not the phloem. Theoretically, this means that the Eagle can flow up toward the tops (from wherever it is absorbed) but will not flow downward to the root system (unless you spill it on the roots, of course).


Well-Known Member
If you do choose to go the chemical route to battle PM, there is a product called Spectracide Immunox Multi-Purpose Fungicide. Same active ingredient as Eagle but available for public use in California, and sold at Ace Hardware. It's much more dilute, but when you follow the directions you end up with the same concentration ofnthe active ingredient as you would with Eagle.

I'm not above nuking a fresh clone from the dispensary before it enters my organic garden if it looks like it might have PM. One quick spray before I even plant it in soil, and no PM ever... PM is nasty shit, and I'd rather live with spraying my plant once while it only has about 3 leaves.