fungus gnats, sterilized sand treatment


New Member
having fungus gnat problems early in my new grow, treated last time with neem oil and yellow sticky paper, ive heard a lot about covering your top soil with sterilized sand, but im wondering if that will affect my watering or feeding. if it will filter out the nutes or affect the soil. ill still be using the sticky paper and neem oil but I don't want this problem to get as bad as I let it last time, any advice on the sand thing. any tips would be welcome. thanks


Well-Known Member
Fan 24/7. Top dress with worm castings. The WC will provide plenty of nitrogen for your plants and also make it more difficult for the gnats to survive. The castings will hold a decent amount of moisture and don't drain the best so just a light top dress is enough.


Well-Known Member

  • i always seem to get gnats in all of my grows. i think they hitch a ride in the potting soil. the sticky traps work good for the adults and i always use them. this last grow i tried these beneficial nematodes. not cheap but i was really happy with the results. between the sticky traps and nematodes i think i wiped them out.

    some people say this stuff works great but i have no experience with it:

    Fungus gnats reproduce in moist, shaded areas in decaying organic matter such as leaf litter. The life cycle is about four weeks, with continuous reproduction in homes or greenhouses where warm temperatures are maintained. Broods overlap, with all life stages present during the breeding season. Larvae not only feed on fungi and decaying organic matter, but on living plant tissue, particularly root hairs and small feeder roots. Brown scars may appear on the chewed roots. The underground parts of the stem may be injured and root hairs eaten off. Damage occurs most often in greenhouses or plant beds. Adults live about 7 to 10 days and deposit eggs on the moist soil surface or in soil cracks. Females lay up to 100 to 300 eggs in batches of 2 to 30 each in decaying organic matter. Eggs hatch in 4 to 6 days; larvae feed for 12 to 14 days. The pupal stage is about 5 to 6 days. There are many overlapping generations throughout the year.



New Member
Quit fucking around with the BS and get some gnatrol
spray with pyrethrin insecticide at the same time helps also but get some damn gnatrol!


Well-Known Member
Quit fucking around with the BS and get some gnatrol
spray with pyrethrin insecticide at the same time helps also but get some damn gnatrol!
what's the BS you are referring too? so what is gnatrol? where do you buy it? what is this pyrethrin insecticide? that sounds scary to me. where do you buy it? is it a chemical?

  • pyrethrin insecticide​
