Funny Thought


Active Member
Say you had a little extra space in your flower room and loved to exercise. What if you used that extra space and put in a treadmill or exercise bike? As far as C02 goes, I wonder what you could get your PPM to and how long it would last for lol. Space=$ of course, but I wonder what the math would be. Maybe 12 sq ft (3wx4L ?) for a treadmill. I'm working on my first grow so I'm not positive on what kind of yield you would get in that space but I have seen stuff like 600g meter squared, which is pretty close to 12 sq. ft. (yard is close to a meter) for arguments sake. Assuming adding C02 does help yields and plants (lol MM busters?), would it be (1) efficient or (2) just plain awesome or (3) you would die from no fresh air!!


Well-Known Member
I think you'd have to excercise 4 or 4 times a day to even make a difference.

You looking to trim up that much?:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
"would it be
(1) efficient or
(2) just plain awesome or
(3) you would die from no fresh air!!

This may not be as "Far Out" as it sounds! I was just reading here, yesterday, about co2 monitoring. Dude said he had a "good" co2 monitoring system (in the 300-500 dollar price range). Dude said you could just breath on it and observe the change in co2 "parts per million". So - why not get all sweatty and out of breath in a closed in area and let the co2 get CONDENSED? Makes perfect sense to me!

(1) How efficient it would be is a big unknown factor!
a. It would have to be monitored with one of those "pricey" systems as part of a legitimate experiment: in a properly "Closed off" space.
b. One would have to determine "how much co2" a person could generate in a reasonable period of time.
c. One would also have to determine "how long" of a time period that amount of co2 would maintain the desired PPM level in the growroom.
d. One would also have to find a way to "Store" and "Distribute" the co2, as needed.

(2) If this idea actually produces a "Workable Result" - it would, indeed, be "just plain awesome".

(3) Not if you do it right! Co2 is heavier than "Air", so it would collect on the bottom of the Enclosure. There are any number of ways to supply fresh breathing air to the "Exercisee"
a. Snorkle/breathing tubes.
b. Cover the exercise chamber with a plastic tarp - equipped with an "elastic collar" allowing the exercisee's head to poke outside.
c. Etc.


Well-Known Member
Ummmmm I was thinking more like. Out in the country theirs a lot less co2 due to lack of people like in cities. Simply being in your house all day or talking to them will help... I'll work out 4 times a day in the room to give em a boost. I think it should improve the air quality quite a bit....... but I'm also the kinda guy that rents new releases from the library( that's right 3 at a time for 2 weeks for free.)


Active Member
(3) Not if you do it right! Co2 is heavier than "Air", so it would collect on the bottom of the Enclosure. There are any number of ways to supply fresh breathing air to the "Exercisee"
a. Snorkle/breathing tubes.
b. Cover the exercise chamber with a plastic tarp - equipped with an "elastic collar" allowing the exercisee's head to poke outside.
c. Etc.
I'd love to see a picture of this haha. I imagine an athlete all red eyed on a treadmill surrounded by MJ with the doctors in lab coats standing around holding clip-boards in their hands monitoring C02 levels off of digital monitors (of course one of them is the hot nerdy chick with glasses, long hair and showing a ton of leg at the bottom of her coat) and giving each other the occasional nod.



Active Member
Right so here's what I did:

I set up an exercise bike next to my tent and just stuck my face into the duct port meant for a cool tube.

My plants thanked me afterwards.


Well-Known Member
Lol that's great. Your avatar being a giraffe..stretching long ass neck from your bike to the opening just huffing air in there


Well-Known Member
This is a funny thought. Plants take in the CO2 and convert H2O into O2 (happens during photosynthesis). So you should have plenty of air.

Now since you would need a closed environment so you are not just venting out all of that CO2 you are creating, you would need to monitor O2 levels and CO2 levels. That said, just going in there a few times a day would probably create some elevation in CO2 levels, just not sure if it enough to make a difference unless you seal the room.