FuZZyBuDz takes a D.W.C. dip, first hydro grow! {of course theres piks}

Great lookin grow. I like your little soil bonsai bud bush as well. I am going to start a DWC grow soon, so I am excited to see how well it's treating you. + rep for the good journal


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3852998]thats one thing i miss about hydro, all the roots :hump:[/QUOTE]

i DO enjoy a good FONDELING of the roots every once in a while.lol. y dont u go back??


Well-Known Member
i DO enjoy a good FONDELING of the roots every once in a while.lol. y dont u go back??

on my last hydro my airstone and pump got all fuc'd up, and i was using the AeroGarden sponges and ran out, didnt want to go out and get a new pump and stone, then get a proper grow net, hydroton all that shit, then my living situation changed when i got laid off, so i basically said fuc it and started doing the part cups with soil lol

I ended up tossing the tote i was growing in as well while i was in a rage :twisted:

I'll go bac one day, but as for now i dont wanna go and get all the shit over again, and this party cup thing has grew on me, im going to do alot more cups next grow, and get a lil SOG going


Well-Known Member
shes drinking GALLONs By the damn day! i think i might have to put her in a 5 gallon bucket?? SHOULD I????

i have her in a 2 or mayb 2 and a half, but she drinks it in 1 day flat! :shock:


Well-Known Member
make that trip to lowes 5g buckets like 2 and some change.. she sure is lookin good too