FWIW: OG Kush, Cherry Pie and Dr. Who grow observations


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to throw this out there in case anyone cares.

I'm growing three Dr. Who plants by seed. I've never tried this strain before but I bought the seeds because the description of the growth habits suggested it would be a fairly compact plant. I started them on a 13/11 flowering cycle 48 days ago. By now two of the three are at least 3 feet tall, despite my efforts to keep them smaller with LST. The third one is much more compact and bushy. They are supposed to be ready to harvest after 56-63 days, which would mean that my crop should be ready about two weeks from now, but I don't think they're going to meet that "deadline." I'm not blaming the breeder's genetics for that, however, because I have a lot of light "leaks" that could possibly slow down flowering.

I'm also growing four clones, two each of OG Kush and Cherry Pie. According to what I've been able to find online, both strains have the same number of days until harvest, about 70 days or 10 weeks max. This is my first time growing OG Kush and I'm pretty happy with it. In fact, one of my plants has buds that I could probably harvest now (but won't), which is about three weeks earlier than the date I predicted based on the research I did. Also, when the clones were much younger, I was a little bummed because it looked like the Kush was going to get all lanky (not good when you're growing in a closet) but I was able to LST it to a cheap wire plant support and keep it from getting more than about 24-30 inches tall. The buds are already fairly fat and covered with white resin. It looks like the Kush is going to finish before both the other strains.

Finally, I'm not crazy about Cherry Pie. It basically did what I was afraid the Kush would do, growing pretty stretchy and so far it looks like the buds are not going to be very big. The Cherry Pie plants are about a foot taller than the OG Kush. The Cherry Pie flowers look like they are about as mature as the ones on my Dr. Who plants. It looks like they are on schedule to be harvested in about three weeks, which would be in line with the 10-week prediction for flowering time that I found online.


Well-Known Member
I just harvested one OG Kush clone after just 50 days of flowering and it was sticky as hell! I thought I'd never get the "glue" off my fingers.

But, given this was a clone, I wonder if a plant grown from seed would be harvest-able after just 50 days of flowering. Eventually I'll get to find out because I bought a pack of feminized OG Kush seeds at the NorCal Cup event last month.
Damn fine win! Sounds like some real fun. We carry a few cuts of kush but your right from seed is epic. Man at 50 days and already that dank. I wonder what the other will be like.


Well-Known Member
Couple of updates: I think I should have let the Kush flower longer than 50 days because my wife says she's not getting much effect from it. I decided to cut at 50 days because when I grew Godfather here the first time my buds got moldy before the trichomes turned to the 'right' color. Since then, I've been going by the rule of thumb that you should wait until half the hairs on the buds have turned brown or red. Also, I read somewhere that indicas should be harvested earlier if mold is a problem in the area. (OK, I admit that the fact that I was running out of head stash also made me a little more impatient about the harvest time.)

Far as the Cherry Pie goes, I think I totally blew it. The yield was downright pathetic compared to the Kush. I'm not going to even try growing Cherry Pie again unless I have a lot more room for the plants to get tall. However, I think the Cherry Pie buds, tiny though they were, are more potent than what I got off the Kush.

Regarding the Dr. Who, the breeder's website warns that the phenos you get from the seeds could vary widely. I can attest to that. I have one plant that is nice, compact and trained to stay small, but the buds are downright tiny on it. I have two other Dr. Who plants that grew taller by a foot or two. One of them has some decent-sized buds; the other is nothing to write home about. According to TGA, the plants should finish flowering no later than 63 days, which would be tomorrow. However, only one of them looks like it *might* be 'ready,' and most of its hairs are still white. Right now I'm waffling back and forth on whether to cut the buds off the "best" plant today or give it another week or two. I guess I'll wait a little longer for the two plants with the smaller buds.


Well-Known Member
Just wait it out IMO. No sense rushing, it'll just be throwing all that work away. Is TGA saying there will be a large variety of phenotypes now in their descriptions? If so that's probably a good thing.


Well-Known Member
Just wait it out IMO. No sense rushing, it'll just be throwing all that work away. Is TGA saying there will be a large variety of phenotypes now in their descriptions? If so that's probably a good thing.

I went ahead and harvested my 'best' Dr. Who and I could not believe the great yield I got off a plant that was just growing in a one-gallon pot. Now I wish I had cloned that mother!

Regarding the phenos, this is what TGA has on its website:

There are 4 main phenotypes. All have virtually the same smell and taste and all buds tend to show some purple. The main difference between phenotypes is in the bud structure and the dominant color; buds are either fingery or round, with pale green or purple as their chief color. The purple buds are particularly impressive.

That does not mention different growth habits (tall vs. bushy) but it does say it has at least four distinct phenos. Of the three females I ran, I'd only consider one of them to be clone potential... but I'm thinking that a grower with more experience than me could do a lot better than I did with Dr. Who.