GanjaFarmers09grow 5 out of 7 stolen..


Well-Known Member
yeah i coulden't help the cold, it got colder then it should at this time of year, but these strains i got are very late bloomers, and tolerate cold quite well.


Well-Known Member
Alrighttt i took abunch of pics but abunch were out of focus so im going to get more but one did turn out!
i want lots of comments! this picture is fresh as fresh can be aka not dried just trimmed, and outdoor ;) purple kush. i will upload more pics prompty



Well-Known Member
they didnt chop it they took it a plant still has shit loads of value not budded, they take it and grow it them selfs. end of story.


Well-Known Member
mmmm mmmm good... thank yous... looks like it could have gone a bit longer.... damn thieves.... you catch them and bring them to me..... I will ensure justice is administered properly ;)


Active Member
anybody that gets the cops involved in anything is a little bitch and dont be afraid of violence either handle it yourself or back the fuck down there is never a reason to involve the cops


Well-Known Member
sorry for your loss all i got to say is your plant is beutifull your a good grower man keep it up!


Well-Known Member
this is going to my first outdoor grow and i have 97 seeds. I'll appreciate all the help i could get or just come by and check my grow journal out and subscribe. see how everything turns out for my gorilla grow!