Ganjas 1st Grow...kinda????2300watt sour diesel,white widow


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know if electric companies have peak and off peak hours? Kindalike cell phones. Peak hours being more expensive and off peak being less. Just curious cause if there are, i guess thats when we should run our lights to save $ right?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Hey Mygirls. Good to see ya stop by. For flowering im feeding my ladies, General Hydroponics Maxibloom. Ill also be using fox farm Cha ching and Beastie bloomz, to beef up them big ole' nuggs. Has anyone on here had any experience with the GH Maxibloom? I watered them last night for the initial soaking with nuets at 1/4 strength and phd to 6.2. So far so good. Hoping for alot of growth within the next 2 weeks..Stay tuned to see. Peace and Happy toking...GL'09
sound good. i don't use maxie's but can i ask why youstarted out with 1/4 streangth bloom nutes when the plant is already been feed for a while at full streangth..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Does anyone know if electric companies have peak and off peak hours? Kindalike cell phones. Peak hours being more expensive and off peak being less. Just curious cause if there are, i guess that's when we should run our lights to save $ right?
most electric companies every where will have peak hrs like from say 6pm till 11pm. and morning from say 4am till 9am. they do this cause every one is up or at home at that time and all that electricity is being used by every one. that's why the say the best time do do laundry id in the late morning or early afternoon.. les power is being used cause no one is home at those hours to consume electricity.. wow im high, hope i made sense..


Well-Known Member
sound good. i don't use maxie's but can i ask why youstarted out with 1/4 streangth bloom nutes when the plant is already been feed for a while at full streangth..
the reason i did that was because up until know, i have only been giving them the maxigro(veg) nuets up until this point. I have been giving that to them at full strenght, but i thought when i started the maxibloom(flowering), i would have to work my way up to full strength so i dont burn the bitches. Have i been doing it wrong? Can i give them my bloom nuetes at full strength right away? if so, next time i nute feed i will give full strength. Let me know what u think.The picture is of all the nutes that i have and if u can recommend anything else from experience, let me know. I have access to about 4 diff hydro shops, so i can pick stuff up no prob. ill do some update pics of my plants when my lights come on tonight. Peace and let me know what ya think.



Well-Known Member
most electric companies every where will have peak hrs like from say 6pm till 11pm. and morning from say 4am till 9am. they do this cause every one is up or at home at that time and all that electricity is being used by every one. that's why the say the best time do do laundry id in the late morning or early afternoon.. les power is being used cause no one is home at those hours to consume electricity.. wow im high, hope i made sense..
Thats what i figured. So i guess my next step would be to find out when my electric companies off and on peak hours are. Thanks MyGirls...GL'09


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, as promised heres some new pics. Nothing special, Just some pics right as lights were ready to come on. So far every things looks and seems to be going well. Anybody viewing these threads ever use wormcasting tea? I was thinking of trying some with this grow. Just wanted to know if there was a noticable difference or not.Hey i just uploaded the pics. Im sorry guys, now i know from now on to turn my fans off before i take pics:-?duh!!sorry...And yes thats guard dog lex, hard at work, guarding away!!!Hell no, he gets just as stoned as i do:-?:joint:And the ones of the plants under the verticle mh are my sour diesel, great white,bubblegum and future chocolate mothers.



Well-Known Member
Im running into a little problem that i cant figure out to save the life of me. One of the clones that i cut that was originally supposed to go in here, grew to about 3 inches, came to a dead stop and hasnt grown a single inch in over 3 weeks. You see the rest of the clones i cut, most of them r 14 inches high now. I dont know what happened, could it be rootlock? If so what do i look for. Its in a 1 gallon pot, so it has plenty of room. The roots look healthy and bright white. They look fine imo, but who am i? It has some yellowing and new growth is there,but its not overwhelming new growth. Im stumped and i could simply toss it in compost, but its not dead and i want to see if i can revive it with the help of u guys. Who knows, one day it could be a buetiful big girl with 6 ozs growing on her. Hey who said i cant wishful think? Any thoughts, send them my way. Peace and happy toking...GL'09



Well-Known Member
nitregon deff.. feed her..
ok thanks mygirls. Thats what i was leaning towards. Just wanted to here it from someone with experience.. I have bat guano thats really high in nitrogen. Its NPK is 10-2-1 That should work if i make a tea with it right?



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
ok thanks mygirls. Thats what i was leaning towards. Just wanted to here it from someone with experience.. I have bat guano thats really high in nitrogen. Its NPK is 10-2-1 That should work if i make a tea with it right?
thats premo stuff.that well do just the jobb.


Well-Known Member
From now on, ill be doing 100% of my cloning in a bubble cloner, so i wanted a nice lil spot where i can tuck it away and will be out of harms way, so im building a little tent for it on that table that u see that i have in my basement. For a bubble cloner tent, do u guys think i will have to worry about tents and circulation in there? All i have is a 2' flourecent light. No HIDs. I have a 6" fan in there for now just to keep air circulated. The tent is going to breath, it not air tight, built more for concelment of light and cloner. Should have it finished up tomorow night. Peace and im gonna smoke a bong...:weed:GL'09



Well-Known Member
That looks awesome man, nice work. I'm guessing it's pretty cool in your basement and fluoros don't really throw much heat so you should be good in that department. If you haven't already I'd suggest getting some 6500K daylight tubes. I veg seedlings with fluoros and noticed much better growth with the 6500K compared to the 4200K bulbs that came with the fixtures.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys how everyone doing?Im good. The ladies r growing like weeds, literally and r looking very healthy. They just have a look to them that screams im badass. Its awesome. Anyway. Heres a couple more pics of the clone tent im building for my bubble cloner and seedling trays. I just need to put the right side wall up and add some more lighting and were good to go. Im not really in a rush, cause it wont be needed until i cut clones in about 2 more weeks. Ill be sure to get more pics of the girls up soon. I dont know if im putting up to many pics or not putting up enough. I know when im looking at threads and journals that im always looking for pics, so i guess u really cant go wrong with pics right? Until next time, peace and im f@cked up!!!!GL'09:joint:



Well-Known Member
That looks awesome man, nice work. I'm guessing it's pretty cool in your basement and fluoros don't really throw much heat so you should be good in that department. If you haven't already I'd suggest getting some 6500K daylight tubes. I veg seedlings with fluoros and noticed much better growth with the 6500K compared to the 4200K bulbs that came with the fixtures.
hey sonar, thanks for taking a look and giving the input. i have a question for u if u dont mind. When i bought the fixture i replaced the bulbs that came with it, with GE Plant & Aquarium f20 t12 bulbs. Will i be ok with these bulbs or do u suggest that i get the 6500k daylight tubes? Thanks again, peace....GL'09


Well-Known Member
I checked on the GE website, I was curious about it myself and the Plant and Aquarium bulbs are 3100K. They will work, but the 6500K in my experience make quite a difference. These are the ones I use. They work great for seedling and I would imagine work well for clones too.


Well-Known Member
I checked on the GE website, I was curious about it myself and the Plant and Aquarium bulbs are 3100K. They will work, but the 6500K in my experience make quite a difference. These are the ones I use. They work great for seedling and I would imagine work well for clones too.
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ok cool. I appreiatte u doing all that. im going to go and pick up some of the daylight 6500k when i get a chance.


Well-Known Member
Heres the pictures of the sour diesel and great white clones as of 10pm on 8/13/10. They have been in flowering for 5days now. They seem to be doing awesome. I am going to be doing a 1 time a week feeding schedule. My watering day is sundays, meaning i fully water the plants on sunday and in theory the feed that i give them will last them 7 days til the next feed time. If they would be running dry before then, i would just give them ph'd water, no nutes. Does that make sense? Is that close to how anybody else does it? Thats what i did with my 5 plant first grow and it seemed to work fine, so just wondering. And those are the pics of the tent i made for my cloner room. It is 95% done. Just a bunch of little shit, odds and ends and it done. Im pretty happy with it and i think it will work out pretty good. Thanks and keep em lite up.....Peace....GL"09



Well-Known Member
Hey guys whats up. I went downstairs when the lights came on tonight, to check on my plants. When i opened the door, i seen it right away. instantly. Some of my plants r starting to get brown spots of my fan leaves and some of the edges of my fans r curling up a little bit.:cry: Not the tips of the leaves, but the edges and the spots arent at the tips of the leaves either. They r kinda spread out through the leaves. I kinda noticed it yesterday and didnt really think nothing of it, maybe just some dry leaves i thought. And then tonight when i opened the door, u can see plain as day, its getting worse.I could be nute burn, but i dont think so. It looks more of a deficiency to me. What do u guys think? Dont think its heat realated. BUt it could possibly be, as i never experienced that yet. Im stumped on this. They went into flowering about 6 days ago. And when they went in, they were bueatiful, green plants. So this happened within the last 5 days. Need ur guys help to try and figure out what it is, and then solve that problem once we find what it is in need of....Thanks guys..Peace and Smoke on for Ol' Ganja tonight. I need it:weed:

