garage attic


Well-Known Member
well i have a garage seperate from my house and i was wondering what would happen if i put my grow up there, here are the factors

high temps of 95 possibly 100
fruit bats

circulation of air should be fine because the attic doesnt have a door or anything to get to its just a giant opening. i also never saw bats up there but i have a feeling they get up there still

maybe ill put some pics up


Well-Known Member
I'm no where close to an expert but those temps are way too high. Especially when adding grow lights into the equation.


Well-Known Member
= add mucho ventilation.

isolate the plants from the other pests by throwing up soft walls at a minimum, hard would be better for many reason, but a tent would work. by reducing the amount of space you have to climate-control, you will make the cooling much more efficient. then you simply need to import/export air efficiently using forced convection with inline fans that take air from the outside at a cooler location. do this in your grow room so that you get a good cross-flow and you should be okay. if it's 95 outside, however, it's going to be better than that inside, so you'd need to invest in an air conditioner.

good luck.


Well-Known Member
yeah defineatly not the you live by yourself? if so, just grow in your doesnt smell bad..its the best smell in the world...if your living w/ your mom and she doesnt want you to grow..dont grow..find somewhere outside. but those temps are way to high and if you tried to sprout them in there theyd be eaten in about 3 seconds by the bugs...they love sprouts.:joint:


Well-Known Member
only way i would consider doing it in a place like that is in a seperate grow tent.. they sell like 4x4 ones.. and things like that for 150-200... then get some decent lights and a good amount of ventalation.. make sure everything is sealed up so u get no animals/bugs on your grow...also i would get some heat tolerant strains..... if that is not an option... then i wouldent cosider that an option...


Well-Known Member
i have a small house and its way to much of a hassle trying to keep the smell down before my friends come over because if they found out i was growing they would expect me to give them free weed


Well-Known Member
i would not do that... simply because it is not your property... and there gonna notice shit in it.. and if its that well hidden... its not gonna get light.. dont be stupid.. there are much better ways of concieling it on your property... or in your house.... if smell is the only issue then a good ventalation system with a carbon filter... in a closet... or cabinet... or in a attic... or in the attic.. or an unused bedroom/bathroom... is much better


Well-Known Member
na get a nice cab/closet set up and invest some money to do it right... and ull be giving weed away with how much ull have :)


Well-Known Member
if u can get all ur air flowing throu there... then mabe... but try something more along these lines... say u have a cabnet your growing in... you have a fan blowing out... with THIS attached... it will work alot better then a peice of carbon filter paper :)


Well-Known Member
wow i want that but way too much money for me im kinda putting my money all into rent and gas money what about aquarium active carbon


Well-Known Member
no idea. if you wanna start shit up your gonna need some cash. do it little by little..start with things u need... u dont need a carbon filter till you start flowering.. thats when shit starts to stink.. i got a few small plants flowering atm... right now im looking into picking up a nice hps and tryna build a new cab. ill post a diagram of what im planing later, the first cab i made is alittle rough around the edges to say the least... and it stands out alittle. but if u wanna try im sure any kind of activated carbon with air blowing throu it... should lessen the smell..thats basicly all that thing is... a very nice cylinder of activated carbon