Gardening for exercise


Gardening is quite a nice way of exercising. Most of the work is manual and you work at your own pace. My garden is located near a stream where I have farmed various horticultural crops in the past though currently its fallow. I use rudimentary tools like hoes to till the land and jerrycans to water the plants. This yields a positive dividend in terms of exercise. It gets better when the weather is cold because I can do alot of work.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I went from 250 down to 175 eating and growing veggies. I love using hand tools. The sound a stirrup hoe makes going through sandy soil is one of the most relaxing things in the world.

Since it's August, I'm pretending to be European and took the month off. Will get back in the garden soon for the fall run.


Well-Known Member
i started eating lucky charms since i moved from my garden. i moved in August so now its too hot. all i can do is skateboard.... the marshmallows will get me before long