General organics VS Earth Juice VS Biobizz VS Roots organic

Hi there! I'm new to rollitup-forum and this is my first post, Im also new into AN, my plan is to have a 100% organic grow and today I got my AN line up of Voodo juice F1, H2, Iguana Bloom, Nirvana and Mother earth super tea for grow and bloom!

Im running 11liter pots 75% Soil with Perlite and vermiculite
Is now two weeks in the growth stage, they have not had anything other than a very small dose of the biobizz Fishmix and Biobizz Rootjuice the last watering(2days ago because I didnt have anything else) They seem to like it very much!

Do i need anything more necessary to my AN lineup I mean like sensizyme? Heard its good for the organic break down? I'm really confused don't know how I should use the lineup I've got from now on? (2weeks in growth)

Should i run the hole line up or remove something? Or just only run iguana blom with the mother earth blom ?

Any kind of help would be really appreciated!


Active Member
So you pulled over 3 lbs on 1 light?
No! Ok... so, I ran 3 hps and one mh all 600. I pulled about 2 per bulb in a 10×8. A gram and half per bulb is 900 grams per bulb. Which is 32ounces. Right! Yes so, that's 2my pounds per light. Right? Yes! Where you got 3 pound of one light don't know.


Active Member
I used floranova grow& bloom and the bud came out harsh af. Iwanna go organic to avoid this. Will general organic be harsh?
There's a guy on here (idr his name) that uses Flora Nova Bloom the whole way through his grow on half strength or so. His buds always look gorgeous and his plants finish with a nice fade and very healthy looking. Normally with synthetic nutes, you gotta back it the hell off recommended strength. GO is only harsh if you don't do a proper flush. Other than that, it grows some kind.