Genetics Help! Purple Haze


Well-Known Member
I'm in the middle of a Purple Haze grow from White Label Seeds and I realized I don't know anything about this strain except the same fucking blurb posted on every seed website.
I even wrote to Sensi Seeds who own White Label and asked them for genetic information and specialized grow tips or just traits of the strain but they told me to post it on the Sensi Forum (which is vastly inferior to RIU).
Anyways what I'm asking for is if anyone knows the parentage of this strain, it's characteristics, or any information whatsoever on it.
It's growing like a champ but it's killing me not knowing.
Thanks in advance.
Heres a link to the grow:


Well-Known Member
borngreen, don't sweat it. experiences and characteristics vary because, of phenotypes. you said your growing like a champ so just wait and let the magic happen. i've never grown purple haze but, i've blown lbs. thats my shit. i don't know to much about white label, except that they have a pretty respectable name. i think they told you the right thing to do if you want your questions answered. riu is definitely a good site and it helped me out a lot but, information obtained from the horses mouth is always better than second hand. i know with the two breeders i deal with, reservoir and sannies, give out tons of information on their gear.