Genius watering idea, too stoned, or already done?


Active Member
What if you could, when putting soil in the pot, put a system of small tubes with many holes in them throughout the soil, with one final tube coming up and out of the soil, so when you water, you can just water directly into the tube, down INTO the soil, and the tubing system you put in will evenly distribute the water. Would roots be a problem? I mean, enough tubing and enough holes. . . . . . .or maybe a porous material that water can pass through but not solids? :-D now i'm thinking!!!



New Member
Sounds like a pain in the ass, but I getcha. Might be tough to get the tube off the roots at the end..

What if you could, when putting soil in the pot, put a system of small tubes with many holes in them throughout the soil, with one final tube coming up and out of the soil, so when you water, you can just water directly into the tube, down INTO the soil, and the tubing system you put in will evenly distribute the water. Would roots be a problem? I mean, enough tubing and enough holes. . . . . . .or maybe a porous material that water can pass through but not solids? :-D now i'm thinking!!!



Well-Known Member
How about this idea. find one of those "soaker hoses" but in a small diameter, say...almost to the size of aquarium tubing or whatever your delivery system is. Then you cut the soaker hose into strips that you wind up the pot and insert your delivery hose.


Well-Known Member
sounds like a good idea, but i think u should just put the tubing in the top 3/4 of the soil then cover it up so that way the roots grow down and not attach themselves to a tube


Well-Known Member
Why dont ya just grab a sub pump, 20 gallon tub, attach it to that feeder hose,grab a timer and let it do the job for ya


Well-Known Member
You might be on to something, you never know until you try. While you're at it run an air hose into the soil too, see if you can't get hydro results from soil that way but without the risks of hydro.


Well-Known Member
You might be on to something, you never know until you try. While you're at it run an air hose into the soil too, see if you can't get hydro results from soil that way but without the risks of hydro.

Air hose into the res boom we got a million dollar idea :joint:

We can call it "The lazy Herby"


Active Member
I heard of an idea one time that is sort of like that. You use hemp rope (NOT nylon) and coil it around the outside of the pot then fill with dirt. Make sure to leave a length of rope hanging out the bottom of the pot. You put the the pot on anything that lets the rope hang down into a bucket of water (one of those plastic milk crates). As the plant uses water it will just suck up more from the bucket through the rope.


Active Member
I heard of an idea one time that is sort of like that. You use hemp rope (NOT nylon) and coil it around the outside of the pot then fill with dirt. Make sure to leave a length of rope hanging out the bottom of the pot. You put the the pot on anything that lets the rope hang down into a bucket of water (one of those plastic milk crates). As the plant uses water it will just suck up more from the bucket through the rope.
My mom did that with some kind of plant in her inside garden. She had one with and one without. And the one with she never watered, and it fuckin' shot up way past the other one.


Active Member
well you could always just slide the tubing off of the roots i'd imagine. Or cut the roots where they meet the tube...The way I grow, I grow and chop the plant. So I don't need the roots at the end.


Well-Known Member
Hold up we are on to something here.

Somebody needs to try the Lazy Soil Hydro thingy. Somebody get dead dirt....DEAD barren wont grow anything. Work some way of self watering the soil, whether it be the rope method or this idea. If this idea, somebody add in an extra air supply hose and start regulating nutes via the water. You'd need much less for watering, because the water would not be expected to recycle.

Wow...I'm stoned...