George W. Bush, for prosecution!


Well-Known Member
Let's be realistic, how can this country survive without raising taxes? Everything that Clinton has done to save money for the individual in this country who is expecting a Social Security check upon retirement in now but gone. Bush wanted to have private companies take care of the social security problem but thank god the people were smart enough not to fall for that ill fated move. If you think we can continue without raising taxes you need to open your eyes and be prepared for the future as this will definetly happen sooner than you think.

Remember the minimum wage hike? What happened when that finally was passed? Remember gas prices when the minimum wage hike was passed somewhere around $2.25 a gallon now $3.50 a gallon and because gas prices went up, food prices have soared. So what did you get with your minimum wage hike? Actually nothing, just more high prices.

How can a government so far in debt give it's people $600 each for a stimulus package? Am I slow or what? If you give the people this money somewhere down the line it has to be paid back. This is not how I handle my budget at home.

Now we have a republican who wants to give us govt. tax free gas for a couple of months. These taxes are there for a reason! How do we expect to keep up with the road construction needed to keep our trucks on the road. You need the all mighty tax dollar for road and bridge construction. I guess I'm missing something again.

I cannot imagine what this world be like if another republican gets elected as president, especially one who is hell bent on keeping the same Bush policies. We need a change and we need it now. I don't want my children or grandchildren going off to war to fight that we shouldn't even be fighting. Mccain has said we could be there in Iraq for the next hundred years. Have you got a newborn child or grandchild just born? Looks like they would be the next generation of soldiers to serve in an unlawful war. If you want your children going off to war just keep voting republican.

Our soldiers are tired and exhausted from 15 month tours and we only have so many soldiers to replace them with. If this war continues, a draft will have to be implemented to replace soldiers we no longer have. COUNT ON IT! I didn't say this would happen tomorrow but it is a reality.

My intent is not to bash anyone, I just hope some people open their eyes and finally see that the way we have been living the last 8 years have been nothing but turmoil. We can't even take care of our own, which makes me embarrassed to be American. My case and point (Katrina). I pray we don't have a natural disaster where I live because my fear is that we would be forgotten like the Hurricane Katrina victims. We all should be appauled by the lack of our governments action.

P.S. It pisses me off when people paste and copy shit without reading it first. According to this thread Saddam is still in prison.

Dude it doesn't matter who's elected(1 Party, two factions). We're going to continue to be in IRAQ. We're going to continue setting up bases all over the world to protect The "American way of life". Read Rebuilding America's defenses. It plainly states that the American military wants permanent bases in Europe, The Middle east, and Southeast Asia. Should always pursue a two-war system. Meaning fight two simultaneous wars at once. They're going to use bully techniques to force the world into submission. It's going to be those who accept the ideals of Pax Americana, and then there is going to be everybody else.


Well-Known Member
Dude it doesn't matter who's elected(1 Party, two factions). We're going to continue to be in IRAQ. We're going to continue setting up bases all over the world to protect The "American way of life". Read Rebuilding America's defenses. It plainly states that the American military wants permanent bases in Europe, The Middle east, and Southeast Asia. Should always pursue a two-war system. Meaning fight two simultaneous wars at once. They're going to use bully techniques to force the world into submission. It's going to be those who accept the ideals of Pax Americana, and then there is going to be everybody else.
Oooo.. Pax Americana.. :shock: It's nefarious... I like it.


Well-Known Member
Everything that Clinton has done to save money for the individual in this country who is expecting a Social Security check upon retirement in now but gone. do know that under Bill Clinton's watch he and Congress moved monies from the Social Security Trust Fund into the General Fund to reduce the deficit (looks great on paper)and pay for other programs, yes?


Well-Known Member
My intent is not to bash anyone, I just hope some people open their eyes and finally see that the way we have been living the last 8 years have been nothing but turmoil.
I understand what you're saying Muneeee, but this has been going on a lot longer than just 8 years. Our rights have been insidiously and systematically whittled away right under our noses. May I provide a link to one of the most grievous acts of legislation signed into law by Bill Clinton? Check out CALEA
which allows the Fed to surveil US citizens.


Well-Known Member
I do support Bush. I tend not to let the media dictate how I think and what information should be viewed to me and how biased it comes.
As for me, I support the US Constitution (what defines us a nation) above all else. My question to you Zen, since you support Bush, is this...

How do you feel about the Bush Administration overseeing one of the largest expansions of Executive power in the history of US? How do you feel about HR5122 that now grants the POTUS the authority to call up the Nat'l Guard without approval from the Governor (a power that was originally granted to the State in the US Constitution)?


Well-Known Member
why the fuck shouldn't bush be put on trial for war crimes and for being a terroristic dictator.
Bush couldn't have pulled it off without the backing of Congress. But then, I'd have no problem trying all of them (Executive Branch and Legislative Branch) for war crimes.


Well-Known Member
You support worldwide acceptance of american culture?
Are you asking, or assuming? I didn't say what I like one way or the other except in regard to the term Pax Americana. It's so... FRAUGHT with implications, with correlations, with potential, don't you think?

However, that being said, I'll say that yes, I support worldwide acceptance of American culture. That is not to say that by "acceptance" I mean "adherence", "practice", or "enforcement" or "maintain homogeneity with", though. I mean acceptance in the same sense that I accept that some really good looking guys just happen to be gay. Which is a shame, but there it is. It's the spice of life. I mean acceptance in terms of allowing that, for the most part, the average U.S. citizen isn't down with what much of our government does (what they KNOW of it, that is), although some days I seriously wonder, but that's another subject.

All THAT being said, in the terms I believe you to mean when you pose the question, no, of course not, and there's not a thing I've said that could or should bring someone to such a conclusion. ;)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Plus, noone should be able to tell you what to do with your body. Ladies, if abortion should ever become illegal, there are herbal alternatives. Some are more dangerous than others.But if it comes down to that, preapare to study up.
I didn't actually read through all of that but I did read like the first couple things. And I really don't think a guy should be saying what a woman can and cannot do with their body and the things that develop within it. Sure I don't support abortion and I think it is wrong but I've got a cock, not a womb, so what do I know?

Zero tolerance aka zero intelligence. When that policy came into place, common sense and all intelligence went out the window.

The marriage issue... Why does it matter? Why must our country be run by ideology and policy rather than common sense and hope, as Obama preaches? You cant help how you feel, marriage should be between two people that love eachother not between two people that are convenient for eachother, which often happens in politics. If a gay man is gay they're never going to get married to a woman, so why force them and denie them the right to marriage to a person they love? Ya, I think gay person are kinda whack but that doesn't mean they should be descriminated against.

Point is Zenmaster is that any president could have done what Bush had done, without the war, without the retarded policies such as zero tolerance, without all the lies and deceit.

I really don't know how you can support a man like that. This country is "free" that's why we can't self medicate ourselves and that's we have mandatory miminum sentencing, 10 years for smoking a joint. A law that prohibits a drug should never be more harmful than the drug itself. Whatever though if you want to support a liar, go right ahead, just another blatantly ignorant fanatic that believes all that is bush.


Well-Known Member
Rofl I like that (save a tree remove a bush:)) i doubt bush will ever be prosecuted but it would be highly entertaining if he was:) I'll bring the popcorn and soda , somebody save me a front row seat:)