Germinating Problem


Active Member
I got 30 bagseeds a week ago from a friend. I started germinatin them thursday and as of today only 5 germinated succesfully, what tha fuk???? Are these 25 otha seeds dead???? Or shud i jus give em more time??


Active Member
well enough things 2 say on this... first i need more info like temperature lighting and wat method ur actually using... second 1 in 10 only work after a nice frost or 2 in order for the plant 2 believe the right time has come and its also likely some aren't fully mature and are never gonna be... 3rdly try differant temperatures and levels of humidity if there good seeds u should get close 2 90 percent success rate.

in my opinion the best method is wet toilet paper on a plate covering the seeds with cling wrap over it 2 produce ihe right moisture. (use boiled or filtered water)


Active Member
I use tha paper towel method. I put them in papers towels,wet tha towels, an stuck it in a drawer of a dresser. Ive done this method many times and every other time i had almost all of em germinate fine. I could understand 5,10 maybe 15 not germinatin but 25??????


Well-Known Member
Give them 2-3 more days before you give up. The seeds just may be bad, or maybe they heat dried the bud and cooked most of the seeds or something. But give it a little more time for sure.


Active Member
lol it does seem pretty mirky... but like is said temperature can make a big dif... like lets say u got thai seeds u gotta have over 25 degrees or else 90 percent wont germinate ever. so after a couple more days try dividing them in2 5's and using differant teperature and try increasing humidity somehow.