Germinating problems

Hey all, I tried doing a search for this and can't find something specific for my situation. I have had 100% germination with my method before. I had 3 free seeds, five casey jones, and 10 romulan seeds germinating in a germination station about 75 degrees. I first soaked them for about 24 hours and then put them in a towel, although no seeds were cracked in the cup. All the free seeds and three of the casey jones cracked and had about a three inch root after only 24 hours... The other seeds (including all ten of the romulan seeds) have yet to crack and its been 5 days now. Should I try to crack the seeds myself? Should I put them back in a cup of water to soak? Or should I just be patient and keep it how it is? Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
A 3 inch root after a day?? Well - I don't believe that but then again - every guy's 3 inches is different (if you know what I mean :)). You really should just soak the seeds overnight imo. When they sink - they're ready. You don't want a root or any growth. You want that to happen in the dirt. GL


Well-Known Member
i always drop them in a shot glass and they will sink and start a tap root in the water, ten i pour the entire shot glass in the dirt or seed starter mix.. i just poped a blue widow and with in 2 days it sank and a 1/4 inch tap root was sprouted out the end.. so just use a small glass of regular water when they sink as stated above there ready to plant. if you wait after they sink you can see the seed starting to grow,,


Well-Known Member
You wont have these issues if you place the seed directly into the jiffy pot or rw cube from the start and wait about 5 days 70-80 deg keep the medium wet(90%) until they surface then keep medium moist(25-75%).


Well-Known Member
Make sure the breeder doesn't have specific instructions pertaining to your strain. Had a problem with a strain and come to find out later that the breeder's site had info that the strain I had must be cracked...not scoured but cracked. I don't crack seeds. Cole Train by Reserva Privada is another strain I could never sprout. Recvd as freebies on 3 diff. purchases from Attitude and never understood how a seed that sinks in less than 3 hours of soaking in water wont germinate in either soil or a plug.


Well-Known Member
some of those fuckes. you need to keep warm 90f. breeders rec and they all made coffee with in 5 days